Power Kite Forum

first power kite

rossb63 - 28-4-2011 at 05:53 AM

hi guys im looking into getting my first power kite now ive been looking at the following kites a hq symphony beach 2.1m and a hq symphony rainbow 2.2m and i was wondering is there any difference between the kites apart from size? was really wanting the symphony beach but ive heard no good or bad reports about the rainbow and nothing but good reports for the beach what one should i go for?anyone had any experiance with one or both kites?please help

kiteetik - 28-4-2011 at 05:56 AM

those are 2 line kites--you might want to look at some 4 liners as you have much more control.....they arent complicated either.....hq beamers are a good starter kite, in 3m size......

cheezycheese - 28-4-2011 at 06:12 AM

I have the beach 2.1. It is very fast and zippy. Pretty fun but for two line foils you will quickly want something with a little more grunt like the Prism Snapshot or Stylus in a larger size if you can still find 'em.

KiteetiS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s comments are also true. 4 line kites will give you a lot more control and take you down a whole other road. But 2 lines are a lot of fun to scud and play around with...

Bladerunner - 28-4-2011 at 06:34 AM

If you crash a 2 line kite nose down odds are you won't get it relaunched. With 4 line kites you can reverse launch the kite by applying the back ( brake ) lines.

I also suggest you look at a 4 line kite even if you just want to play around. The extra control is what flying is all about !

Pulsar - 28-4-2011 at 07:23 AM

Biggest difference between these two is the quality. The Beach is the budget version. Cheap fabric, simple stitching, knotted dacron bridle lines. It's the kind of kite you'll use when you go to the beach for a day, and then store in the basement for a few weeks or months untill you go to the beach again.

The normal Symphony is a good quality kite. Better fabric, better stitching, reinforcements where needed, and a stitched dynacore bridle. This is a kite you can use every day for the next 2 years and it will still fly like the first day you used it. That's also why the Beach only costs half as much as the regular Symphony in a similar size.

acampbell - 28-4-2011 at 10:36 AM

yeah the beach is more of an inexpensive air toy than a serious kite (but that has its place). Consider a Symphony Speed if you want two-line.
For reverse launchability consider the rush or Rush Pro 3-line.

But yeah, if the budget allows, go four line!

See if this article on choosing a first kite will help.

acartier1981 - 28-4-2011 at 02:55 PM

Yes, get good skills with a 4-line kite and switching to a bar or depower is much easier. I have a Peter Lynn Viper 2.6m that would be a good beginner kite. I was going to give it to my dad but after he got tugged by my Symphony 2.2 he decided his 63 year old body wasn't up for it.

mougl - 28-4-2011 at 03:17 PM

Prism Tensor 3m. 4.2m if you are bigger or if you have light winds. Gives you a bar AND handles, adjustable AoA, and nice looking kite. My gf is currently flying a 4.2 and shes 115lbs soaking wet. Her skills are getting better with it. When the wind picks up, I pack up my Montana and fly the Tensor. Great all around kite for all skill levels.

Minshall - 28-4-2011 at 04:06 PM

Pansh makes inexpensive kites. If you live near me I would gladly meet up with you and let you try out some of my kites.

acartier1981 - 28-4-2011 at 06:59 PM

mougl, you like the Tensor better than your Viper?

mougl - 28-4-2011 at 07:08 PM

As far as a trainer goes yes. It's very forgiving, not quite as fast, and it gives the bar option. As far as high wind buggy engine? Hands down the viper!

Kober - 28-4-2011 at 07:09 PM

Tensor 3.1 was my firs kite that I use as trainer... and I love it ....
Unique option of having bar or handles let you learn kitting both ways ...... and as stated above... this kite looks awesome .... with high quality finish and amazing storage bag...... Most of time I fly de-powers kites now...... however ..... once a month I take my Prism out to play it on handles.....

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acartier1981 - 28-4-2011 at 08:02 PM

Yes it was a very good trainer. My first kite was a Tensor 5m. But then I got to fly a Reactor II and became bored with it.

I was out this evening landboarding with my 10 and a kid came and watched and waited till I was packing up to ask me about it. He seemed pretty serious about trying it. Hopefully he calls and I can let him try my Symphony sometime.

slee - 2-5-2011 at 01:49 AM

I just got my first kite which is. 3.5m ozone imp quattro. I am very happy that I Got the bigger kite as I was not sure if it wold be too big for my first kite. Having handles and the 4 lines make it lots of fun to fly allowing you to make sharp turns and the ability to launch th kite on your own.

spork - 2-5-2011 at 05:06 AM

Originally posted by slee
3.5m ozone imp quattro. I am very happy that I Got the bigger kite as I was not sure if it wold be too big for my first kite.

my first was s 3.5m too. very good size i think, as it is tame in low winds (perfect for learners), but also strong enough in big winds to get some board action (for when you feel ready for it)