Power Kite Forum

PL Phantom 15

arkay - 30-4-2011 at 09:24 PM

So what wind range do you guys fly yours?

I took mine out today and it was 11/17, the rose to 19/27. I was certainly overpowered, but still able to ride fine. With the lack of lift I think I could ride the P15 in 26 but even in 22 my I had mode sideways overpowered pull than forward. In the buggy the kite actually felt pretty good aside from gusts wanting to pull me out the side, but on land once it was clearly in the 25 range I was occasionally on the edge of jacking. Fun landing ;)

flyjump - 30-4-2011 at 09:31 PM

I'm 165 and I think I could easily hold it down close to 30mph, but I'm on a board so I can absorb gusts a little easier. I've held down my 15m charger in 25mph no problem. With the phantom being a high aspect kite I think you could push the limits close to 30mph. Just be careful and don't get snatched into the air, the phanny is a beast!:)

let us know how far you can push it with that kite

AD72 - 30-4-2011 at 10:05 PM

The buggy also makes a big difference. I was getting pulled sideways in my ST lightweight buggy and 9M in 20-30 mph wind yesterday. Fexiblade in the sherman tank buggy was cruising just fine with the 8 venom. He would have been overpowered with the 12 phantom possibly. There was no reason to try it though since the 8 was fine.

arkay - 1-5-2011 at 09:00 AM

I can hold it down, that's wasn't the issue, I'm 200# ;) I was just clearly overpowered and was not expecting as much lateral pull form the kite in that wind range. There could have been more wind up high than the wind station was reporting, there was sand blowing so clearly 25+. Mostly wondering what wind range folks fly their p15 in on what surface.

flyjump - 1-5-2011 at 10:10 AM

this is a good thread. I love flying overpowered and i love to hear experienced pilots posting information about pushing the limits. I think so many people are scared of flying "out of the wind range" of their kite. Arcs fly better when they are a little overpowered. I don't know much about buggies and how they react on different surfaces and stuff, but I like to hear that a kite is inspiring confidence in the rider......especially when they are overpowered.....you guys rock:bigok:

Superdog - 6-9-2011 at 09:48 AM

I took my 15 out landboarding the other day on hardpack sand in what must have been in the 25-30 range.

Couldn't actually go upwind because I couldn't hold enough of an edge...

So I think that's about the limit on it for me. The wind eased off by a couple of MPH a little later so I started improving my jumping technique (from none to a little) - the first landboard jumps I have done where I actually felt like I got decent air (best one was probably 5 foot).

Epic day :)

Drewculous - 6-9-2011 at 10:13 AM

30 is about it for me... 20ish on hardpack and bug... better bug, I can hold more,but my bug isnt a speed demon.... Grass and atb, 30ish, lol but sustained 30 around here means gusts up around 40... And thats too crazy for me....

My phanny days are 25 gusting to 35..... :crazy:

Awesome kite.... Never going to give it up