buggybeast - 30-12-2005 at 06:52 PM
iam thinking of trying out a convershion too put two wheels up front like the liabra quadd going to see if it can be done through local engineers at a
guess of half the price any comments all taken.
coreykite - 31-12-2005 at 12:39 PM
No doubt you'll discover the same things Nop did in the early 90's.
A 4-wheel configuration increases traction (good!) but also increases drag (bad).
Turns out the drag increase is greater than the additional traction.
But the buggy will look unlike anything else and that fact alone might intimidate other racers.
My suggesion is to design a conversion that can be undone.
Safen Up! Buggy On!
"Often wrong... Never in doubt"
the coreylama