Power Kite Forum

This Friday : buggy at Galveston, TX ?

snowbuggyer - 2-5-2011 at 02:58 PM


Are there any local buggyers going to the Galveston beach this Friday and/or Saturday morning ?

Right now, I am in Houston , TX for international business and and have two days off before flying back home (The Netherlands, Europe) this saturday afternoon .

Since I buggy a lot in The Netherlands, it would be great meeting with some local Texas buggyers and see how you ride.

Looking forward meeting you !


Eric "MTwater"

Taper123 - 2-5-2011 at 06:31 PM

Friday might work... Where are you staying...? u2u me

Taper123 - 4-5-2011 at 04:50 PM

Forecast went from 15-20 to around 10 mph winds. I've got a couple large kites and a pair of buggies. My son is planning on catching lunch (sometimes he can feed a lot of us... other times he strikes out... the nature of fishing). Right now is always a good time of year to hook up a big redfish in the surf. Anyone else want to skip work and hit the beach on a friday?

Either SLP or "Stonehenge" would be my destination.

van - 5-5-2011 at 08:30 AM

I will probably be stuck at work on friday unless it's later in the afternoon. Saturday might work for me though.

spazkiter - 4-8-2011 at 07:19 AM

Hi Eric,
This is not related to this post, I wanted to speak with you about a SnowKite Challenge we are doing and don't know how to contact you? We are designing equipment for the trip and would like to talk to you for information on your Snowbuggy.?


bobalooie57 - 4-8-2011 at 07:29 AM

@spazkiter-You also might want to talk to snowspider, he has built a few "snow buggies". You with the Icelandic challenge?