Power Kite Forum

Now that's a working kite! Gonna get one for my truck!

shehatesmyhobbies - 6-5-2011 at 02:45 PM

Check this out!Kite pulling tanker ships!

Minshall - 6-5-2011 at 03:05 PM

Thats awesome!!!
Wonder what would happen if I attached that to my Toyota Yaris?

bigben91682 - 7-5-2011 at 03:42 AM

That's really cool I've read a few articles and seen some concept pictures but it's great to see this implemented. Did she say 600 m? I assume he meant sq m, but thes pretty effin huge.

I wonder if spleene is developing a light wind cargo door....

shehatesmyhobbies - 7-5-2011 at 04:08 AM


kiteetik - 7-5-2011 at 07:10 AM

very cool

22bene - 9-5-2011 at 12:54 AM

How long does the kite last??? Cost effectiveness compared to price and maint. Of soo much fabric??? Don't get me wrong I love this idea and can they make it produce power too??? But seems like a kite like that would have to be made out of some tough stuff???? Must be expensive to handle long term???

BeamerBob - 9-5-2011 at 07:41 AM

You can buy lots of material if its saving 10k lbs of fuel a day. Nice use of the wind.

cheezycheese - 9-5-2011 at 07:46 AM

did you hear her...600m sail !!! :eekdrull: i wonder what the tensile strength of that tow cable is... :lol: