flyguy0101 - 10-5-2011 at 08:20 AM
I need to adjust the lengths on some lines that are sleeved what is the easiest and best way to do this. I am assuming that i can remove the
stitching form the sleeves, readjust and then just restitch the sleeves. Will i need new sleeving or can i use the old also since my sewing skills
are subpar- opinion on using a knot instead or is it better to have a seamstress resew once i have the length set. Thanks
PHREERIDER - 10-5-2011 at 08:46 AM
clip apart and restitch is tidy and the way to go if a machine stitch gate is available.
but placing a square knot within the sleeve area(maybe both ends if needed) is by far the easiest .
or you could resleeve and knot it instead of stitch, some safety lines are not compatible with a knot being present.
how much change you need ??this is a guide for you, if its a lot the line maybe weakened needs replacement. couple inches not a big deal , but a foot
or so gives me doubts along with age of the set.
recheck after first loaded session and see for yourself whats going on, if its still changing DROP IT.
indigo_wolf - 10-5-2011 at 08:47 AM
Reusing the sleeving will depend on how carefully you were in removing the original stitching. Honestly, though... sleeving is fairly cheap. Maybe
I'm just OCD, but I would probably just replace it.
As far as stitching the sleeving, it's going to depend on your confidence in your sewing skills.
Take a look at the >>>tutorial<<< and see if it makes you want to scream and hide in a closet.
If it does, perhaps seeking outside help might work better for you. Meanwhile.... this would be a fine time for some Spring cleaning of the closet.
awindofchange - 10-5-2011 at 11:05 AM
Depending on the quality of your lines, you can just remove the sleeving, add some new sleeving and just tie the ends. Equalizing lines are something
that has to be done constantly unless you use a very high quality spectra line.
If you do want to re-sew your sleeving, the easiest way to do this is to get a thick piece of cardboard - not corrugated type but solid cardboard like
poster board but thicker. Cut a long slot into the center of the cardboard just wide enough to hold the sleeved end of your line side by side snugly.
Then do a zig-zag stitch, letting the cardboard slide forward and backwards in the sewing machine. Also, make sure to use a good heavy duty nylon
thread, not cotton. Cotton thread will weaken in the sun and break down very easily. Nylon is much stronger and will last longer.
It really is pretty simple to do and you don't need good skills to do it, just a decent sewing machine.
For me, I just cut off all four lines evenly then re-sleeve and tie. It only takes about 3-4 minutes to equalize an entire lineset and the knots hold
just fine.
Hope that helps.
Taper123 - 10-5-2011 at 11:52 AM
The poor man's perfect line stitching tool....
take two pieces of thin non-corragated carboard. Cut a couple inch channel the width of your presser foot. Put that on top of the other and cut a
couple inch channel the width of your line/sleeving (easiest way to mark it is to load it into your sewing machine.. with the stitching set where ya
want it... and poke holes in the cardboard with a old needle). Mark your lines where you want them... press them into the line channel... the
cardboard presser foot channel will keep your stitching straight/on target.
edit: Duh... like Kent said (after reading the other responses)
B-Roc - 10-5-2011 at 02:26 PM
Or you could just add knots to your leaders and adjust there as opposed to making any changes to the lines.
Me, I resleeve and tie off because I don't have a sewing machine.