Power Kite Forum

Handles or control bar for landboarding?

DarrenMac - 28-5-2011 at 10:03 AM

Hey everyone!

Okay, so I'm getting my first power kite and land board in a few weeks.

I know what kite I'm gonna get (an Ozone) but should I get it with handles or a control bar? What's the difference? Which is best for a complete beginner?


flyjump - 28-5-2011 at 10:17 AM

I think it's easier to landboard on a de-power kite with a bar. Handles will give you lots of fine tuned control but it will make learning a little bit slower. As a beginner it is also probably good if you start on handles. Welcome to kiting! keep learning and crashing

flyguy0101 - 29-5-2011 at 06:41 AM

If you are going to use the kite mostly for landboarding then I would recommend a bar. Bars tend to be much easier to fly for beginners, but you will give up some of the fine control of the kite and its power that you can get on handles. I agree with flyjump that it is easier with a depower but that is not a kite to start on.- Wear a helmet and start slow and learn to fly the kite very well before trying to add the board.

Bladerunner - 29-5-2011 at 09:08 AM

Ozone is a great brand but they make many types of kites , paragliders etc.. Saying you will buy Ozone is good. It shows you know quality but doesn't tell us what type of kite you are looking at.

Here is the trick. You want a good 3m kite to learn with. This is the right size kite to learn how to fly. This is a very important step and should not be avoided. While a 3m kite will work for riding ATB but needs lots of wind and is not ideal for learning that skill.

If you want to ride ATB I highly recommend you start with a 3m on handles and learn to fly it blind. Once you have the kite skills buy a Depower kite best suited in size to the winds in your area. Figure out how it is different and then get on the board.

Wanting it all at once in one purchase is a big mistake. You will progress MUCH faster and safer if you take that 3m step on the way up !


canuck - 29-5-2011 at 09:51 AM

I'm with Bladerunner, start with a smaller open cell fixed bridle on handles. It will always be there for your high wind kite once you get more experience.

If your options are handles or control bar you are'nt looking at a depower kite anyway. Handles provide a lot more control input. When I fly in a small park I always go to a fixed bridle on handles. If you really want a bar and fly in tight spaces, get the Ozone turbo bar instead of a regular 4-line control bar.

If you are fortunate enough to have miles of hard pack beach to cruise on, and nice steady wind you might not need the extra brake control you get with handles.

Once you get a harness you can hook in a strop on your handles, or a harness strap on your bar.