Power Kite Forum

Prism Bar-Handle combo heads-up

j0fer - 30-5-2011 at 04:35 PM

As just a heads up: this piece is very well engineered. It's sturdy and tight.

There is ONE thing that I don't like however, so I'm sharing.
The way the ends are made, when you convert the bar to handles, the hand positioning just seems weird to me. Your index finger doesn't end up on the same plane as the rest of your hand...and to me it felt like when I needed to hang on my hand was weakened by the displacement.

You may love it...but for those who might be thinkin of buying this bar/handle combo by itself...

PrismHandles.jpg - 149kB

indigo_wolf - 30-5-2011 at 05:23 PM

I take it from your description, that you are putting your index finger in the line notch?

I think what would bother me more is the seam/lip formed where the "bar end" terminates and the foam begins. Might be ok with gloves, but can see where it might be uncomfortable bare handed. Would have preferred if they had used a higher durometer rubber/PE/neopene so it was a smooth transition.

On most bars, it doesn't matter but the conversion factor makes the omission more glaring.


Bladerunner - 30-5-2011 at 05:35 PM

Pointy looking as well ?

Pity it is such a good idea ! I hope they work on a better shape rather than turn from the 2 in 1 idea.

j0fer - 31-5-2011 at 08:54 AM

To re-iterate (or clarify) it's awesome as a bar.

Prism Bar/Handles Used as handles

Vantage - 6-6-2011 at 07:44 PM

I think they made them that way, with the index finger above, so that it makes you push the brakes line forward. Most handles have more of a sweep to them, so by putting your finger up, you get a natural sweep (brake lines out). I have these handles/bar for three kites; 3m Tensor, 4m Flux, 5m Ace / Sprint. Give it chance and you will like it.

j0fer - 6-6-2011 at 07:52 PM

Actually, the tendency is to try to get your index finger in line with the rest of your hand...which tilts the handles forward thus pulling brakes.

I've already made some replacements. :)

handles.jpg - 178kB