Power Kite Forum

One step back, two forwards? - The Movie!

Kamikuza - 3-6-2011 at 02:01 AM

This time perhaps!


nfleech - 3-6-2011 at 03:46 AM

Send that kite hard!! Paying your dues through wiping out is the only way to progress..take three steps forward and none back, keep ripping!

snowspider - 3-6-2011 at 08:24 AM

woo be daabe woo be daabe woo.......looking good! :thumbup:
sorry got it wrong: zoo be daabe zoo be daabe

PHREERIDER - 3-6-2011 at 08:48 AM

way to go KK. what a washing machine!

get some speed and send it!

macboy - 3-6-2011 at 09:08 AM

Dude you got a great sense of humour! That was a nice wake up video - thanks! Now get to work!

Honestly though....something about your "Closed Captioned Director's Commentary" and the wiggly, keep subject centred on screen thing is super cool. Maybe wouldn't hold for a feature film but for these clips it's god it's own groovy thing about it.

Kamikuza - 3-6-2011 at 04:36 PM

Thanks all! Honestly, I'd throttled it back from what I was doing an hour or so previously ... actually had sore neck muscles the days following cos I hit the water head first so hard :lol:

Originally posted by macboy... and the wiggly, keep subject centred on screen thing ...

I keep trying to get the wife to use a tripod but "it's too complicated" :o

AD72 - 4-6-2011 at 09:25 AM

Nice video. Now that is some chop. How much time was that with the deshaker program?
My wife has never gone out to see me kite let alone hold a camera. She lets me go whenever so I can't complain.

Drewculous - 4-6-2011 at 12:43 PM

Awesome vid man!

Flex those kiwis and go for it!

Kamikuza - 4-6-2011 at 04:23 PM

Work flow on this one was ...
Original files > Avidemux - save as .avi so I can load it in ... > VirtualDub & Deshaker > Vegas > saved as .wmv

What I do with Deshaker ...
Deshaker needs two passes - the first one calculates what needs to be done, and that's what takes the time. The second pass, which you have to select manually, applies the settings to the footage and takes only a few moments. Then you save it as an .avi etc again and that can take an hour or so.

So I set up first pass before bed, select the second pass in the morning then save it and when I get home from work, it's done.

Depending on your settings, it can take a LONG time to do it's thing. I think the 40 minute clip I was Deshaking took 5 hours at max settings ... probably no noticeable difference to a few steps down, and the 'regular' settings is much faster ...

ripsessionkites - 7-6-2011 at 02:08 AM