Power Kite Forum

First time kiteboarding......................

Kober - 4-6-2011 at 03:16 PM

Sandy Hook ~15-20 mph on Gin Zulu II 11m and 145x43 board

1. I get into the water
2. get on board
3. ......take off and ride ....... wow ..... ( weird feeling when board is sinking ..... way differed then snowboarding )

That was perfect start for my first session ...... it last 1 hour until I step on broken glass bottle that was sitting on bottom of bay .......
.... i got out of water ...... mark my way back to the car with massive amount of blood and take off to hospital
..... 5 hours later and with 15 stitches on my heel I am grounded for 2 weeks ......

!!!!!!! I want to go back and ride again ...... Its AMAZING ..... water is so soft compering to hard landings on land ......

I am sold....... Kiteboarding .... another way to play with kites is on my list ....

quick video from that day...... sadly no one have chance to film me in action

Jaymz - 4-6-2011 at 09:10 PM

REAL bummer you hit a mine. That gash looked bad. You were doing great first time. You skipped body dragging and went right to board starts. Good it was shallow/low tide. Gin Zulu II was nice kite and you had good instructor.
I tried wearing booties for the first time yesterday and couldn't get a feel for the board and went back barefoot. Alot of garbage down there and stepped on countless horseshoe crabs. Breeding season.
Doesn't look like much wind in the 7 day forecast so heal up for when the blow returns :thumbup:

shaggs2riches - 4-6-2011 at 09:46 PM

Great you got your first session, the first thing I noticed too was the sinking feeling, that and the slippery feeling. Sorry to hear you gashed yourself. Let it get good and healed and get back out there.

Kober - 7-6-2011 at 12:07 PM

This is no fun !!!!...........

.........Sitting most of time home and waiting to heal ........... With all this time in hand I watch countless kiteboarding videos on YOuTube and my board technique knowledge is way better ...........
Nothing will replace practice ........ and cant wait for that ...... 4 days passes with me jumping on one leg and with my eyes looking at near by trees dancing with wind ......

......... Please........ let my fly ........!!!!!!

Jaymz - 7-6-2011 at 07:29 PM

Trees may have been dancing today, but 12mph was not enough to ride @ The Hook. You haven't missed anything yet pal ;-) Now go and heal up

ragden - 8-6-2011 at 07:26 AM

I ALWAYS wear booties when kiteboarding. You just never know what is waiting for you on the bottom. Since I learned with booties, I never had to adjust for "not feeling the board". I did one ocean side downwinder barefoot, and that was wierd... Think I'll just stick to the booties.

Glad to hear you are up and riding bud. Definitely make sure you pick up body dragging. Many times its actually EASIER to drag to your board in 3 feet of water than to walk to it... (even going downwind is sometimes easier dragging than walking, or maybe I'm just REALLY lazy...).

Good luck with the foot, sorry to hear about the gash. Buddy of mine got a horseshoe crab spine stuck THROUGH his bootie. That was not a happy day for him. You'll heal. Wind will still be around.


cheezycheese - 11-6-2011 at 04:36 PM


Kober, you need some of these... :singing:

Kober - 12-6-2011 at 10:35 AM

@ ragden .......
looks like I will use booties from now on .......lol

..... cheezy .... Did you order a pair ???/ lol ..... wow ..... I like them .....

15 stiches ......

IMG_7975.jpg - 72kB

cheezycheese - 12-6-2011 at 11:05 AM

yes i have a pair. they are super comfortable.... :bigok: