hi guys yeah whats the minimum for jumping on your own no buggy no land board just jumping on your ownDrewculous - 5-6-2011 at 02:36 PM
The general rule is 5m.... any size will pick u up, but a 5 is the smallest that will bring u down soft... Of course it depends on your weight, the
conditions, kite make/model, but....
Mostly its up to u tho... Skill / experience is the most important factor in fun, safe-ish jumping!
What kite are you looking at? Of the three we talked about, the core is the only kite that is slightly aimed at the air... It's an all-around-er, but
I still got ok air when I tried one out.... Its a great kitemougl - 5-6-2011 at 02:59 PM
Core? Hmm...
For jumping I'd go with the Twister. Good lift, very stable, and forgiving. It also won't break the bank. Loved my Twister but I really don't static
jump any more. 2 very bad knees told me that it's just not a good idea for me.
Drew is spot on though when he says safe-ish. No matter how skilled you may be, jumping is dangerous. Invest in a GOOD helmet and pads before you take
to the sky.
Fly safe!rocfighter - 6-6-2011 at 04:13 AM
Heads and ankles are the most injured parts, unless your CJ Then you break your back! Glad your better CJ.Seanny - 6-6-2011 at 08:50 AM
I always wear very sturdy, lace-up ankle braces when I kite. They're just as important as a helmet, IMO. When you fall from 10-15 feet (which you will
as a beginner to jumping), your ankles will take all of the impact and crunch without the braces.Drewculous - 6-6-2011 at 09:00 AM
5-point (i think) parachute landing works for those botched redirects lolripsessionkites - 6-6-2011 at 09:55 AM
10 knots and also depends on kitefurbowski - 6-6-2011 at 08:44 PM
Originally posted by rossb63
hi guys yeah whats the minimum for jumping on your own no buggy no land board just jumping on your own
Good health insurance...
the more you are in a hurry to jump before you have solid kite skills, the more you will be at risk...
If you can:
recover the kite safely after collapses anywhere in the window,
fly the kite blind (without looking at it) in at least the top half of the window, and be able to ride out / scud with the kite powered up nearly
anywhere in the window.... Then your risks will be greatly reduced.rocfighter - 7-6-2011 at 05:31 AM
Buy a buggy. You will still end up flying but less damage!!Drewculous - 7-6-2011 at 06:31 AM
Originally posted by rocfighter
Buy a buggy. You will still end up flying but less damage!!
Equal damages lol!
ive wrecked just as many times in the bug, as I have just static jumping... At least when flying static, a 80lb bug doesn't squash u!
With a decent kite, and lots of experience, I dont think jumping is any more dangerous than any other area of kiting... Tell me that going 50 mph 2"
off the ground is safer than jumping into the air 5'