dawicks - 9-6-2011 at 02:34 PM
So, just about ready to try out my fancy new Peter Lynn handles. I take them out of the package and the lines off the handles are loosely (very
loose) tied with an overhand knot. I've read that an overhand knot is not the best choice for such since its a 50% knot... but the lines off the
handle look pretty darn strong, so even at 50% they should be good to go or would a figure 8 knot be better?
Second question. What would be the best knot to use to put a loop at the end of flying lines so that a person could go ahead an make a larks head
knot to said line off of handle? A simple overhand knot of the line doubled back on it self? I've looked online but don't feel confident.
B-Roc - 9-6-2011 at 02:47 PM
if your flying lines aren't stiched and you need to create a loop you should use a figure of 8 knot.
In my leaders I use a figure of 8 or a overhand knot with a half twist (which prevents sliding as it bears down on the bitter end (it makes opening
the knot easier too if you ever need to).
I'm not concerned about broken leaders so if the overhand knot looks like it will hold don't worry about break strength unless the leader lines seem
dawicks - 10-6-2011 at 07:13 AM
Thanks. I am ready to fly!