Power Kite Forum

Beamer 5.0

viperkid181 - 10-6-2011 at 07:51 AM

So last night I set a new record for highest jump with my beamer 5.0 for myself. I now have some 20 hours of fly time with this kite and I still get those unexpected gusts that you just can't predict. As I was sitting on the grass slowly flying the kite in some 10-15 mph winds my buddy behind me says "Well looks like the winds gone" Then all the sudden as I pull up the kite up, a gust comes in and literally lifts me 5 feet off the ground from the sitting position. I know 5 feet isn't much but it's still a rush when you haven't experienced it before. Anyways thought id share that with others because when I was buying a first power kite I wanted something with a lift and was under the impression this kite wouldn't do much of that. Anythings possible with the right amount of wind :D . Btw im 165 pounds 5'7"

viperkid181 - 10-6-2011 at 07:54 AM

Oh I forgot to mention the ending. I executed the landing perfectly xD

cheezycheese - 10-6-2011 at 08:21 AM

Consider yourself lucky... :yes:

rocfighter - 14-6-2011 at 03:53 AM

THe trouble is not getting lifted with a supposed not lifty kite. It is that the kite may lift you like a feather, but it may drop you like a rock. And always remember. It's not the fall that hurts you, it's the sudden stop at the end.