macboy - 11-6-2011 at 09:54 PM
My friend's son just made the leap from 1, 1.5 and 3m fixed bridles to a Cool 6m that we found a good price on (looks like it MIGHT have been flown
twice). Now, AFTER the fact I hear all sorts of people moaning about how bad the kite is but after toying with it with him today in marginal winds for
the first time I don't seems like a pretty fine kite to me.
One thing though....a lot of the moaning I heard out there was that they backstall badly and at inopportune times. Now, to look at the bar setup
there's this 3-4 inch foam rubber "float" looking thing above the bar on the depower rope line. The result is...well, 3-4 inches less of bar
travel....probably only 6-8 inches left. With such a tight sheeting range I'd bet backstalling would be troublesome but I also bet if you could pull
that float and get that bar travel back you'd save some backstall issues.
Am I wrong? Any reason not to pull the foam bit out and get full bar travel? At this point I see that as the only big negative here.....
PHREERIDER - 11-6-2011 at 10:01 PM
letting out the back will help with stall or trim to shorten front
macboy - 11-6-2011 at 10:23 PM
Yeah, and that's why I'm thinking if we have 3-4 more inches of bar travel (out) it'd rectify it if it's an issue.
Pulsar - 13-6-2011 at 02:50 PM
Depends if the kite will use it. Good chance the bar just won't go higher and the lines would be slack if you push the bar up that high. A Cool just
doesn't have a bridle designed for a lof of bar input.
But of course it's worth a try, predictions on forums don't always come true :P
erratic winds - 13-6-2011 at 02:58 PM
Have the same problem with my Rookie2, I just trim in a bit and remember that the kite doesn't depower like modern ones. Oh if you turn out to not
dig it at all, and you want to get rid of it, there is a user on KF/snow&land who is specifically looking for one...