Power Kite Forum

Crissy Field to Berkeley Downwinder

AD72 - 15-6-2011 at 11:42 PM

I participated in a San Francisco Bay downwinder past Alcatraz last Saturday. The conditions were really rough 30mph avg and gusts to 40. Out of 100 people that signed up 80 went on the downwinder and 55 finished. I got just past Alcatraz and my footstrap busted (yeah thats the ticket.) True but I was exhausted after riding a bucking bronco 9M and did not mind jumping on the support boat. Here is a video from a participant who made it look easy. Next year i'll finish. For now it is watch and learn.

BeamerBob - 16-6-2011 at 12:48 AM

Wow, a 3 hour run. That's serious distance. I didn't know it was that far. Good go AD, be proud you took a stab at it and nail it next year. Remember where you were at this a year ago!

AD72 - 16-6-2011 at 07:58 AM

Thanks Bob. Yes last year at this time I was just getting my water starts dialed in. Yesterday I had a great low wind session with the SA2 19 that was just magic. Huge contrast with a nice park and ride rather than whiplash and crash.

flexiblade - 16-6-2011 at 08:48 AM

Wow - you are making the leaps and bounds aren't you. Next year at Dillon's Beach will be a different story.

AD72 - 16-6-2011 at 09:41 AM

Still have a long way to go but each time out is a progression. I wish I could go every day. Too bad it is 45mi to SI. But that is a short trip compared to your distance to the beach. We need to move closer to the water.