macboy - 16-6-2011 at 04:58 PM
No, don't want a C kite but was just looking at some pics and it struck me that PLs and C kites are ridiculously look-a-likey.
indigo_wolf - 16-6-2011 at 05:29 PM
I don't believe so....
Krumly (Post #6 in the thread) gave a good explanation here:
A Question About ARC AutoZenith?
Kamikuza - 16-6-2011 at 05:34 PM
No, all LEIs that I'm aware of want to fall out of the sky to the edge of the window. Which is a safety feature m'kay not a design flaw 
tridude - 16-6-2011 at 05:53 PM
Kamis correct, you better have some power in the kite at the edge or else. Wicked animals though once your experience/skill level is ready. Im partial
to the SS Fuels but my sons Hadlows are pretty darn sweet. If you like to fly unhooked with a freestlye skill set go for it..................
bigkahuna - 16-6-2011 at 06:18 PM
If I trim the kite properly my SLE's will hover at the zenith for a fairly long time (a minute or two), but otherwise, no, I've never known any LEI to
return to the zenith like a PL arc. Some LEI's will slowly float to the surface while others will plumet like a stone. Depends on the kite and how
the lines are trimmed.
krumly - 19-6-2011 at 02:35 PM
The older C kites I have def do not autozenith. With so much of the mass near the leading edge, as the kite falls to the side, air pressure against
the side of the kite pushes it around the center of gravity, forcing the leading edge to turn even further toward the ground.
My Cab bows fall still don't have any tendency to autozenith, though they fall off slower than my Fuel. Not sure which SLE's bigkahuna is flying , but
I bet their tendency to fall off to the side more slowy is partially due to center of gravity being further back than C kites.
Kamikuza - 19-6-2011 at 05:19 PM
Older LEIs & C-kites tend to hindenburg, SLEs tend to backstall ... at least, in my observational experience ...
tridude - 19-6-2011 at 07:21 PM
the newer kites and their ease of relaunch, auto zenith isnt really an issue. AZ can be an issue (on arcs) if you depend on it and dont practice your
relaunch skillz (on water).........................Beamerbob and Phree are savy when it comes to water relaunching arcs.........................
bigkahuna - 20-6-2011 at 01:08 AM
@Kami - Sounds like you've had a bad run of inflatos. I've only had two c-kites in 11 years of kiting that tended to Hindenberg (ie: would fall LE
first if left unattended or overflown), the first generation of Cab Black Tips were notorious for this and a mid AR RRD I bought 9 or 10 years ago was
a complete POS. I've yet to have my SLE's backstall on me, unless there was absolutely no wind and I had way too much backline tension, but I can do
the exact same thing with a PL (in fact, that's my preferred way to land a PL). My Bularoo / Waroo quiver has been every bit as user friendly in the
air as any PL I've ever flown. In fact, for downwinders I much prefer my inflato quiver, I get much smoother power from gypes and a lot more control
on how much power I have for carving on waves. Going upwind the PL probably has the nod, but otherwise my Bularoos/Waroo are much friendlier IMO.
Also, FWIW, I've dropped my SLE's about as often as I have my PL's. I kite roughly 2 to 5 times a week year round and have dropped my kite only once
this year so far (last Thursday to be exact and it was my Bularoo 16). I had no trouble relaunching the kite in waist high surf.
tridude - 20-6-2011 at 02:33 AM
"for downwinders I much prefer my inflato quiver, I get much smoother power from gypes and a lot more control on how much power I have for carving on
I could not agree more with this comment although the Pulse 2s are almost as good...................................
bigkahuna - 20-6-2011 at 05:14 AM
"I could not agree more with this comment although the Pulse 2s are almost as good...."
I've always wanted to try a Pulse 2. I didn't like either the Titan or Speed2 that I had, but I did like how easy a FS is to self launch and land,
that is something that comes in very handy when doing a downwinder. Speaking of which, I did a 12 mile downwinder on Saturday that was a lot of fun.
Started with winds of about 15-17 and ended with winds of 25 gusting to 30... talk about exciting. 
PHREERIDER - 20-6-2011 at 06:10 AM
no, when well powered they will hang centered briefly, then "IT"chooses a side and drops to the edge.
the few Hindenburgs i've seen and experienced and maybe 2 of experience, where all poor wind. like krumly stated LE just pulls it down esp. when
wind just shuts off
Kamikuza - 20-6-2011 at 05:30 PM
Yeah I meant in light winds :D I knew what I was talking about 
It was on my mind cos last session I was out, was light wind - and all the kiters on the water made beautiful synchronized displays of the hindenburg
the 2011 Naish Charger was particularly picturesque 
The delta shaped F-One's have a habit of backstalling to the ground, then making like a tumbleweed through the window ...
I drop kites fairly regularly cos I'm pushing the envelope yo