Power Kite Forum


arkay - 19-6-2011 at 11:01 PM

Had a great session in hood river a few days ago and was hoping that the coast would give something up this weekend. Great swell and crazy current in the Columbia right now. But alas, no wind at the coast. So I took my v19 and rage 6 out to the beach to repack... and whadda you know the wind picked up. Not quite enough for the v19 to fly well but the 6m was doing ok. The wind picked more about 30m later and I had a great 12mph landboard session on the 6 which is decently powered. Crappy wind direction but I found my self doing this circuit over and over, was lots of fun and I can't say that I've ever really done this before; not sure why not. Fast reach (well as fast as I could get) then sending the kite hard and transition (a nice high 8in loft today :D) toe side then looping the kite back and swinging across the window then flipping back to heel site. Not sure why is was so fun, but it was :wee:

PHREERIDER - 20-6-2011 at 06:24 AM

those types of "swing ride " sessions are fun lots of kite action. its more technical than most would think, reinforces all needed balancing even more so.

great transition learning tool esp. with down loops and loops.