Power Kite Forum

Competition for Blades?

lammy1000 - 26-1-2006 at 04:18 PM

Does anyone make a less exspensive kite that comes close to the power of the Blade design?

rrc62 - 26-1-2006 at 06:19 PM

Depends on size. The Mac Bego is pretty close compared size for size.

Scoopy - 26-1-2006 at 07:20 PM

The Mac is actually much more powerful per sq meter than a blade. The 4 meter is more like the 4.9 and the 6 like the 8.5. They are good kites, but hard to come by in the states, (no one is importing them) and not much cheaper if at all. Keep in mind begos come kite only. You have another $100 in lines and handles by the time you are finished.

The only kite that is remotely like a blade that is in the budget category is the Crossfire from HQ. They are pretty quick, and aggressive, with a good bit of lift. Just keep in mind they are NOT blades. I would say dollar for dollar though, they are as good. Closest you will get on a budget. Keep in mind you can always buy second hand off Ebay. DaVinch here on the forums picked up a 6.6 Blade 3 for $320.00 There are some good deals to be had. The Blade 2 series are really good too.


jumping_jim - 27-1-2006 at 10:43 AM

Crossfires are awsome kites, they have loads of lift but deliver it more gently than a blade, some great jumps can be had with them.