Power Kite Forum

does a nasawing pull harder than a powerkite?

jimerke - 20-6-2011 at 11:25 PM

i saw one flying and the guy was in the air and there was not so much wind...

erratic winds - 20-6-2011 at 11:42 PM

Nasawings are single-skin foils, so they usually weigh much less than a 'traditional' power-kite of a similar size, so they can be excellent for lower wind conditions. Now, many do swear by a nasawing style kite in any wind too!

Other than that, there's a lot of variables that determine how "hard" a kite could pull....

Bladerunner - 21-6-2011 at 05:25 AM

seems odd that you saw somebody getting air on one?
They are anything but lifty?

bigkid - 21-6-2011 at 05:58 AM

Originally posted by Bladerunner
seems odd that you saw somebody getting air on one?
They are anything but lifty?

They are lifty if you know how to fly them, as with any kite. :smilegrin:

kitemaker4 - 21-6-2011 at 09:05 AM

There is not enough info to go on. I have flown a foil when there was no ground wind but once you got the kite up on 100 ft. lines the wind was blowing real hard.

As stated above nasa wings are single skin kites and do not weigh as much as a foil of the same size. Nasa wings do have a lot of side pull which is what you want when you buggy.

Susan (npw goddess)

awindofchange - 21-6-2011 at 11:55 AM

It really depends on what size NPW and what size/make of Power kite (although the NPW is actually a power kite too).

Pulsar - 21-6-2011 at 02:31 PM

Also depends on the NPW type. A NPW9b for example pulls differently then a NPW5.

In forward power, Nasawings are generally said to pull just a bit harder then a foil of the same size. Of course some foils can pick up greater speed, enabling them to pull harder if you steer them in with high enough speeds. Also since NPWs have a high lift/drag ratio, they generally don't fly to the edge of the wind window as nice as foils (especially buggy foils) do. That also applies upward, so a Nasawing usually doesn't easily fly over you. It's always a bit more "in front of you" then a foil would.

In short, a Nasawing has more pull in the powerzone then a foil, but towards the edges and the zenith, the foils will pull more. That's also the reason it's very hard to get upwind with a buggy and a Nasawing as well as why it's difficult to jump with one.

Bladerunner - 21-6-2011 at 05:19 PM

Originally posted by bigkid
Originally posted by Bladerunner
seems odd that you saw somebody getting air on one?
They are anything but lifty?

They are lifty if you know how to fly them, as with any kite. :smilegrin:

If you DON'T know how to fly them you could get lifted maybe ???
Are you trying to tell me you can jump , float and land with and NPW. I have simply never tried with mine. Kind of assumed it's too slow to do it on purpose?

Are you trying to say that an NPW IS a lifty kite ( if I learn how to fly it ) ? News to me !

Bladerunner - 22-6-2011 at 06:00 AM

I really am curious about jumping with an NPW now.
Old parachutes were single skin ?
Has anybody got experience with this? Do you set up they same as with a foil?

P.S. BigKid,

I am not sure if you have challenged me to a Rag Flappin Race but lets just say I'll have mine with me at SOBB !!! :yes:;-)

bigkid - 22-6-2011 at 08:29 AM

BB, I have been lifted out of the bug with a 11m NPW in about 5mph wind in the middle of an up wind turn, I wasn't paying attention due to the traffic on the beach.
Learning to fly the kite is the biggest challenge, once you learn,(keeping the kite powered up most of the time, a fine line from not enough brake input to to much). I fly the kite as often as possible which is not enough to be great at the kite but the more you fly the kite the more it becomes an equal to the foils, Beamers and the likes. It by no means will equal a Combat or any race kite which are built for speed not pure power like the NPW.
I found the NPW responds quicker to short lines, or no lines than long ones. But the floaty nature of the kite is greater with longer lines. Would I jump off of a 100 foot ladder into 6 inches of water? NO, but it has been done.

I don't enjoy leaving the ground with a kite, bad memories.

As for a NPW race, your on. Hope you have a big quiver of them.

Bladerunner - 22-6-2011 at 04:16 PM

Originally posted by bigkid
I don't enjoy leaving the ground with a kite, bad memories.

As for a NPW race, your on. Hope you have a big quiver of them.

I guess you can get lifted with a big one but not sure yours is an example of it happening " if you know how to fly one " ? Just curiuos how you managed to float it out? In my little mind an NPW will throw you downwind more that lift you and float you down?

We will keep it to the ground. Unfortunately I only have the one NPW.

We really should try and resurect the Rag Flapper races at SOBB. I'll bring mine.

SOMEBODY must have experience trying to jump with NPW ?
Phreerider ? You started on one and I suspect tried to jump?

Susan , I know you don't jump but wonder what you know about how NPW's act when trying to?

kitemaker4 - 23-6-2011 at 06:59 AM

When it comes to jumping with an npw I have never tried and do not plan on trying. I can tell you that one time when I was flying the winds picked up and I was starting to levitate. I landed the kite and put out a smaller one.

Susan (npw goddess)

kitemaker4 - 23-6-2011 at 07:04 AM

Originally posted by Bladerunner
Originally posted by bigkid
I don't enjoy leaving the ground with a kite, bad memories.

As for a NPW race, your on. Hope you have a big quiver of them.

We will keep it to the ground. Unfortunately I only have the one NPW.

To bad you do not know anyone who makes them.

Susan (npw goddess)

van - 23-6-2011 at 07:24 AM

I know of a gal close to houston / louisiana that makes really nice NPWs... ;-)

Bladerunner - 23-6-2011 at 03:25 PM

Originally posted by kitemaker4
Originally posted by Bladerunner
Originally posted by bigkid
I don't enjoy leaving the ground with a kite, bad memories.

As for a NPW race, your on. Hope you have a big quiver of them.

We will keep it to the ground. Unfortunately I only have the one NPW.

To bad you do not know anyone who makes them.

Susan (npw goddess)

This reminds me. While I don't have an NPW Goddess as a neighbor I DO have Airin and she has a couple of your kites. We share so my NPW quiver is bigger than I thought ! :wee: