Power Kite Forum

Brrrng brrrng yeah morning Boss

Kamikuza - 23-6-2011 at 05:10 AM

Sorry can't come in to work today cos <insert a good excuse>


today it was "have to go to immigration" ...

Been too long since I've been out; we got some good southerlies so I took the day off, drove 3 hours to the ocean and had some fun with the Xbows, 13 and 16.

WOWEE! Never again will I moan about chop on the lake! 3m plus swells rolling in, you sort of shoot up the face then float away downwind as the water disappear below you ...
... just can't get any board speed cos I'm bouncing all over the place ...
... jumps are all messed up cos there's no flat water and the swells are breaking all over the place ...
... salt water tastes bad ...
... waves are - scary/fun/entertaining! I can SO see the attraction to wave riding - came toward the shore and looked behind me to see that I was actually riding a 2m wave in :o then it started breaking and it was panic stations trying to turn toeside, redirect the kite and jink out of the way :lol: big buzz!

Mad props to people learning in the ocean :o god that'd have sucked if I was still learning and it's no wonder all my attempts at the beach ended up in massive long walks :lol: today I was the only person going upwind and holding ground - but I was on a kite 3-4m bigger than everyone else :D

Sigh ... back to work tomorrow ...

PHREERIDER - 23-6-2011 at 05:17 AM

ocean going, the only way to fly ! nice kk

Kamikuza - 23-6-2011 at 06:08 PM

No sorry - lake FTW :lol: