Power Kite Forum

....WORST kite ever ...............

Kober - 26-6-2011 at 10:04 PM

Some of you have tones of experience flying kites //////............

Is there a kite that you have chance to fly and was bad enough to name it WORST kite ever ?????...................

..........We all like APPLE now ..... all products you can buy now are awesome ..... however ...... Apple made many products that never get 5 star rating and some of them almost ruin theres business .... There must be some kites with " Don"t buy me " tag ....... Did you fly one of them ?????...............

Kamikuza - 26-6-2011 at 11:50 PM

What are you talking about? I still hate Apple. Apple is a "Don't buy me" tag :ticking:

AD72 - 27-6-2011 at 12:05 AM

I don't drink the Apple cool-aid either.
I am not sure I had a worst - just not appropriate for my skills at the time: 02' Slingshot Fuel OneSixty (16M). Super cool looking kite I bought in 03 but never had the time to get on the water till' 2010. Holy crap has it been that long?:eekdrull: sucks when work/school/life does not permit time to go have fun. I also had a 5.7M Peter Lynn Waterfoil I would scud on the beach with and had fun. Glad I never tried to kiteboard with that.

nocando - 27-6-2011 at 12:38 AM

Yes the worst kite would have to be a flea bay chinese 4 line heap of crap, at time not very knowledgeable in things kiting.

Once rigged didnt do anything, lifted then crashed, over and over again.
Still havent flown it, still have it somewhere.

ripsessionkites - 27-6-2011 at 02:09 AM

Mr.Kitesurf Yeti
any copies of the Airea Raptor I / II
Concept Air Wave EX's
Quadrifoil C Series, great engines but deadly when they luffed or went into a ball
Pansh Black / White Checkered one (we saw one a few weekends back, what weight ripstop is that???).

bigkahuna - 27-6-2011 at 02:42 AM

Worst made? A first generation "Monkey" 20m that was sent to me to evaluate. Looking at the construction of the kite you could just imagine some old chinaman using a foot powered sewing machine taking bits of scrap out of the garbage and sewing it together. It was really that poorly slapped together. Even though it was "free" it wasn't worth the effort to pump it up. Worst flying? A tie between the first generation Cabrihna Black Tips and RRD Conversions, both defined the term "Hindenberg".

Bladerunner - 27-6-2011 at 06:37 AM

+ 1 for Mr. Kitesurf Yeti

Next might be my 3m Pansh Blaze but not all Blaze fly bad like mine.

greasehopper - 27-6-2011 at 07:18 AM

Probably doesn't qualify as a power kite but in '98 I picked up a 2 line .5m NASA wing from GoFly for modeling purposes because I had not yet discovered Al Gore's invention or dogpile or the dozens of NASA wing build sites. (I know, I'm a neanderthal...)

Although it is very well made and bomb proof, that thing was, is and will continue to be the single most evil tempered device known to man or beast. In winds high enough to self-launch, it will dart about in the sky like an 8 year old feeding from a bag full of Halloween candy and ruin your shoulders !!!

A close second is my 8m Ace... the square wheeled Chinese Lumber Truck that won't launch unless the winds are well beyond manageable.

Anybody wanna make an offer on it ? (not kiddin', U2U)

Feyd - 27-6-2011 at 08:07 AM

I don't buy Apple products. I've been fortunate enough to never buy a kite that I didn't find some worthile qualities in.

ragden - 27-6-2011 at 11:00 AM

Had a couple kites go through my quiver that I didnt really care for. I never considered them the "worst kites ever", but I did pass them on to other folks for different reasons...

NPW - I just did not like the way this kite flew. A lot of people love these kites, but I never got comfortable flying it.

7m Pansh Ace - Was too much kite that didnt turn fast enough to actually be useful to me.

Both of these kites found better homes where they are (hopefully) seeing some use.


John Holgate - 27-6-2011 at 02:41 PM

Can't really blame the kite, but the worst bar setup ever was a Gin Inuit 4.5m. Everytime you turn the bar, you lock the power lines in place. Who the heck would design a bar with a small round hole then put 2x6mm spectra lines through it ??? And then use a plastic buckle on the depower adjustment. It was close to unflyable for me. Pity, the sail was really well made with heaps of power....more power than my 6m Access XC...

RedSky - 27-6-2011 at 03:52 PM

13m Best Waroo 2010. Faulty bladders, very vague steering, no bar pressure.

bigkahuna - 27-6-2011 at 04:20 PM

@RedSky - Was that the first Waroo that was a bow instead of a SLE? I heard there was one recent year that was a dog. Fortunately, it's not the year I have (which I think were 2007/2008?). I couldn't live without my 20m Waroo! :)

sand flea - 27-6-2011 at 05:30 PM

I have an 8m pansh ace that thats going to make a nice fire someday!

RedSky - 27-6-2011 at 05:37 PM

The 2010 model is where they switched from SLE to a more delta influenced design.

I sound like I know what I'm talking about, but I just read it from a kite review online, but yeah it was a pig to fly.

The previous versions were just fine. If it ain't broke....

20m !


zero gee - 27-6-2011 at 10:07 PM

Slingshot 7.7 Stealth (a water-relaunchable ram-air, not really a depower though), talk about jumping on the kiteboarding bandwagon with any old piece of crap they could find. I wonder if anyone got it tuned so it would even fly. :rolleyes:
Flexifoil Nexus, scariest kite ever! :crazy: :wee:

ripsessionkites - 28-6-2011 at 02:30 AM

Originally posted by zero gee

Flexifoil Nexus, scariest kite ever! :crazy: :wee:

+1 on the Nexus, i never got the full experience from the 5.6m

the LE / TE bladder was short lived.

sunset-Jim - 28-6-2011 at 06:41 AM

Originally posted by ripsessionkites

any copies of the Airea Raptor I / II

Just comes to show that one persons trash can be another ones treasure. I am very fond of my 2 Airea Raptors (2m and 3m)

thanson2001ok - 28-6-2011 at 07:46 AM

The worst kites for me have been 1 to 3m trainers that took short cuts and put crappy lines on them that are no good beyond about 15 mph. Come on manufacturers. I just start to get someone new hooked on the sport and the lines snap. Worst branding experience ever for a newb. He was your future customer. Was.

flyjump - 28-6-2011 at 08:10 AM

2005 best nemesis. I had a 20m and it turned so slow. I didn't like any of the LEI kites that ddnt have the plastic bead on the valve. You had to pinch them closed quick and if missed it you had to repump. Pinching those things closed in the winter froze your hands, then you wouldn't even want to fly after that