Power Kite Forum

just got 3.5 bullet ...what can I expect??!!

coolforcats - 2-2-2006 at 09:31 AM

Hi Guys....totally new to this just recommended to get this bullet 3.5m so I could practice in huge fields around me in readiness for kitesurfing course this summer...what can I expect on day 1 in 10mph wind? Air drags...broken bones? What shoudl i be trying to achieve and how quickly? Plus when should I move onto a landboard?

Tigger - 2-2-2006 at 11:36 AM


What to expect really depends on how much experience you have when it come to flying kites in general. You didn’t say if you have any experience in duo or quad lined kites. Assuming you don’t, you will have to learn a few new things like:
1. How to setup the kite. Laying out the kite in the wind and keeping the lines untangled. If the wind is blowing (which it should be), how do you lay out the kite and get to the handles before the wind disrupts your kite.
2. Once you’re able to get it into the air, you need to know how to control its direction by steering it left and right and keep it inside the winds window.
3. Deliberately keep it near the edge of the window both left and right sides. With a duo lines can be a daunting task of turning the kite up and down, which is basically left and right in a different direction.
4. How to do 360 degree turns to the left and the right.
5. With a quad, how to use the brake lines for steering and landing.
6. Assuming you have a good sense of balance, you will need to improve it.
7. Purchase safety equipment such as helmet, elbow & keen pads or be willing to replace articles of clothing and or skin.
8. You can expect to be: Drugged, dragged, hauled, towed, tugged, trailed, lugged, suspended and a number of other adverbs.
There is other thing in addition, but I’ll leave it too more experienced pilots to tell you. Personally I had flown duo lines for years before I got my started in quad lines. I am not sure as to the exact square footage of the bullet, but it is rated as an intermediate to experience. Be careful, enjoy and once again, welcome to the world of power kiting.

code - 2-2-2006 at 01:22 PM

I would agree with Tigger and would like to add that unless you have someone to show you how to do all those things, you may even get slightly frustrated and not want to kite anymore. I highly recommend going out with the kite in the most calm winds possible for your kite. After learning how to do some of the things Tigger mentioned in more calm winds, try to perfect those same manuevers in stronger winds. Work your way up on the wind scale so to speak.
Once you've figured out how to control it in higher winds then move on to the board. Last thing you want to do is slip something on your feet right away and go out in high winds thinking this is going to be cake to figure out. You'll end up hurt and REALLY FRUSTRATED. As for figuring out controlling the kite, etc. that's what friends or people near you are for that kite, or you can take a class, or you can mention the problems or questions you have on here for someone to hopefully answer.

The kite you bought is a good beginner kite in my opinion. Did you get it with a bar or handles? I found that handles are far easier to learn on and figure out how the kite works. Then I moved to a bar, however, I still use the handles quite a lot.

Hope this helps a bit...I'm still relatively new myself, but know the frustrations and what it's like to get beat up by the kite. I also know how much fun they can be which is obviously why I'm still out there flying. Good luck to you.

lammy1000 - 2-2-2006 at 03:13 PM

As a fellow beginner w/6 flights on my eolo rad 3.0m i am finding line tangles to be a challenge. The parapack method did work beautifully the last 2 times, but time will tell. The windiest day i flew (18-25 mph) was exciting and very challenging...exactly what i wanted. As an active stocky 38 year old who lifts weight and does cardio with some regularity, i was both happy and a bit surprised the workout kiting can provide. A harness is in my future. Overall, this is a fantastic sport...that demands a high degree of skill. I have only scratched the surface, so i am anxious to hear f/more experienced people.

Tigger - 3-2-2006 at 01:00 AM

Originally posted by code
you may even get slightly frustrated and not want to kite anymore.

Don't tell people that, I wont get any more good deals. My quiver is no where near filled yet. :spin:

Tigger - 3-2-2006 at 01:01 AM

:evil:Just Kidding:evil:

coolforcats - 3-2-2006 at 03:09 AM

Thanks guys that's very helpful...I thought tangles may be an issue...being a former fisherman I'm good at those...anyway kite has come with handles and four lines.

code - 3-2-2006 at 11:42 AM

Sorry Tigger:D

Cool...if you need any help just ask. Figuring out how to hold the handles and how to apply the brakes, etc. took me forever to figure out. So if you run into similar problems let us know. I'm sure we'll be able to help.

SecondWind - 6-2-2006 at 10:19 AM

Did you get to fly your Bullet yet?? If so, how did it go?

Tigger - 6-2-2006 at 11:27 AM

He posted on 2/2/06 and again on 2/3/06, it is now 2/6/06 and no more responses. I think it may be safe to assume he laid out his kite; just right, pick up the handles; just right, and let go of the brakes; just right. And went airborne almost immediately, got hold of the jet stream and is over the Atlantic Ocean somewhere, just about half way here. :lol:

code - 6-2-2006 at 04:12 PM

Roflmao Tigger... I'll keep an eye out for him since he'll have to cross over the east coast before making his way out your way. Sure hope he made the trip across the ocean okay..it's pretty cold out there. :spin:

coolforcats - 7-2-2006 at 03:01 AM

Hi all

Thanks for your concern at my being suspended somewhere above the Gulf Stream waving to passengers in BA's first class cabins...took kite out for first time but hell damn and bollocks...wind would not get above 2mph! So my airtime was limited to say the least...however one thing I did learn ... my kite got into hideous tangles I tried the figure of eight method and spent two hours undoing knots and twists! Wow I'm seriously considering the parapacking method! More spots soon...

Chip - 7-2-2006 at 12:35 PM

As someone who learned to fly in the middle of Ohio (aka CRAP wind) I can sympathize completely with your wind problem! Also, I had no-one local to show me the basics, so there was a LOT of trial and error (emphasis on the error).

Fortunately I got a great deal getting into the sport from someone getting out of it so I had a full quiver my first trip out to the field.

I found the Flexifoil Powerkiting book to be a very helpful resource for learning enough not to get myself hurt, and someplace to turn when I was very frustrated.

First 3 times I tried to buggy the result was 20ft of grass stains and a 50 yard sprint after a tumbling kite!

Several suggestions that helped me...

Kite Stake, doesn't need to be fancy, a long bladed screwdriver works in a pinch. Really helps in getting the kite setup/put away.

It's easiest to just wind your lines around your handles (with handles together just wrap) but make sure you always hold the handles in the same hand for winding/unwinding or else you'll end up with dozens if not hundreds of twists in your lines!

After you wind the lines on, stop a foot or two from the bridles and wrap the lines vertically between the handles a few time to lock the lines in place. Make sure you don't get right up to the bridles or else you stand a good chance of accidentally passing part of the lines through part of the bridle (which equals twisted kite the next time you pull it out.)

To put the kite away, lay it on it's back, slide your hands down the bridle (from the kite line) until the kite starts to curl on the wing tips.

Fold both wing tips to the center, making sure all of the bridle lines are inside the kite, but the foot of extra line and handles is not. ( if you place your handles in with the bridles be prepared for lots of tangles.) Then fold each end in until the kite is roughly twice as wide at the bag (normally 2 to 3 fold for each side). Place the handles along the tail end of the kite, fold it over down the middle and role the kite around the handles. (so the that you role towards the vents, pushing out extra air.) It only needs to be tight enough to fit in your bag.

Following that process results in a tangle free kite every time.

And a note on tangles. It's easiest to always untangle with every fully stretch out and on handles. Every time I've tried to take one line off to "aid" in untangling has turned into an hour of cursing and 10 times more tangle that before. Most tangles are just a few subtle twists, and it's normally moving in the wrong direction that turns them into major tangles!

Good luck!


Scoopy - 8-2-2006 at 06:00 AM

Chip, Where are you in Ohio?? Im in Charleston WV. I have a friend that flys in Colombus. Let me know.


Chip - 8-2-2006 at 07:46 PM

Columbus, what does your friend fly? I've meet a few other local flyers but not many.

There are two fields around here that are decent, though always choppy wind. Occationally I get up to Maumee Bay in Tolledo which usally has nice Lake Erie winds. And also to Cincinnati, where my folks live, to a nice BIG park there on the site of the old Voice of America radio array.

Though as my mood says, I haven't had a chance to get out reciently. Looking forward to NABX again this year, might be the next chance I get to fly! :(

Spring and early summer are my flying seasons, winter, well sucks mostly, and in the Fall I'm at renaissance festivals every weekend selling stuff from mid august to the end of october. On top of a regular job that equals no time to play!


nestawalker - 9-2-2006 at 12:13 PM

alright buddy,
youve probably had it out already now but if not...
when you launch make sure you lean back!
plus try keep you feet still so you slide - dont run with the kite, you wont be quick enough