Power Kite Forum

picking a kite size

rossb63 - 1-7-2011 at 10:42 AM

hi guys so got my kite sorted im gonna get a peter lynn hornet 2 only problem now is i cant decide on weather to go for the 3 or 4 meter i mean does 1 meter really make a diffrence on a trainer kite? recon 4m might be slightly stablerthis is only my first 4 line kite

awindofchange - 1-7-2011 at 11:41 AM

1 meter makes a huge difference. You are talking about one SQUARE meter. That would be 3.28 feet x 3.28 feet of sail area increase - OR 10.76 square feet increase.

It really comes down to the winds you will be flying in. If this is your first kite then I usually suggest something in the 3 meter range. This also makes it easier to purchase your second kite. If you want something larger to produce more power in the lighter winds, you can skip right over the 4.0 meter sizes and go with something closer to 5.0 meters. With a 3.0 and a 5.0, you can cover the wind ranges of a 4.0 meter kite.

So, if you start with a 4.0 meter kite and want something bigger, you may end up purchasing a 5.0 which would have some overlap with your current 4.0 meter - or moving to a 6.0 size which is getting quite large. Even with a 4.0 and a 5.0, you may still need to get something smaller for the high wind days which would mean you would end up with something in the 2 meter size. When all is said and done, you will have a quiver that has overlap in sizes.

If you are in an area that never sees winds above 20 mph, you may be better with the 4m, 6m sizes. It really depends on what the most common wind conditions are.

Hope that helps.

Pulsar - 1-7-2011 at 03:29 PM

To help you imagine: a square meter is the major half of an average front door. That's a lot of kite.

Bladerunner - 1-7-2011 at 06:27 PM

Notice how kites make large leaps in larger sizes and then are closer as they get smaller . The added power is much greater per sq.meter in the smaller sizes. Just as folks have been telling you all along.

You aren't going to stop digging until somebody tells you what you want to hear are you ?

You REALLY NEED to study the info at www.coastalwindsports.com as I have suggested !