Power Kite Forum

Side Launching (Land Based)

windhunter - 3-7-2011 at 09:29 AM

Being a Newb and already injured due to a couple stupid mistakes, I know I need to step back, regroup and set some strict standards for my power kiting. Due to location most, if not all of my kiting will be land based. My age has dictated my choice of satatic and buggy kiting. My enthusiasm at the start was part of my issue, moving too fast and not thinking. Started with a 3m. 2 line trainer, felt very confident after a short period of flying. progressed to a 3m 4 line Beamer, keeping things small, taking the great advice from PKF members. Found a used buggy, and bought the 5.3 Viper and couldn't wait to move to the next level. The rest is recent history so lets move on to my question.
In launching a 5.3 m kite from the side of the wind window, as I understand it, the proper set up is to stake the handles/lines (I parapack) lay out the lines at 45 degree or more to the wind. lets say I'm on the right side of the window , so I would weight the right wing tip down w/ the leading edge toward the wind and fold the left wing tip over the rest of the kite (like folding a taco shell). Or can I just leave the whole kite out flat if it will stay put. Head back to the handles, holding the handles with lines tight and a little brakes applied, pull the left control handle lifting the left wing tip to begin to launch the kite. At this point the idea would be to try to keep the kite in a 90 degree position to the ground and keeping it flying and rising at the right edge of the window until zenith is achieved. Now flying on land, mowed grass, I have found it hard to scud on my feet and never really had to with the smaller kites, and didn't really want to risk ankle / knee injury which is highly possible on grass. With the 5.3 which developes much more pull on launch, is this the best, safest and only way to launch it on grass? I've watched many vids from this site where guys are launching larger kites on the beach and scuding thru the power up until the kite is at zenith or some edge of the window. I don't have the confidence to try this on grass again, basicly thats how I've ending up with a broken heel chasing the kite thru power up, launching down wind, and lauching too close to the staked out Beamer. Looking back everything was sooo stupid. Constructive criticizm welcomed and wanted.

PHREERIDER - 3-7-2011 at 09:47 AM

lay out kite down wind and secure sand or bag near TE, side launch can be done but different type of kites.

lay out lines straight up wind , brakes on a stake if you must, when the brake lines are hooked the kite will idle on the ground, and ready to go.

lines all sorted, hot launch from there . grab the handles sit back to soak the power. off you go! also learn to reverse the kite down with the brake stall to return to same position

DAKITEZ - 3-7-2011 at 02:06 PM

stake off handles ... and walk straight down wind to un pack your parapack. No need to angle down wind as unless you weight down the kite it will simply blow back straight down wind. Now walk back to the handles and apply some brake. Then walk to the side of the window. Now the kite should be off to the right or left of you depending on which way you decide to launch. Then let off some brake on the down wind side. That side should raise up and the kite should be ready to side launch will one tip still on the ground. now feather the brakes a little ... applying a little more brake to the down wind tip that is now off the ground and let off the brake on the tip that is still on the ground. As soon as the tip comes off the ground reverse the brake back to the other tip .... just keep this up with small movements and the kite will walk up the side of the window without yanking you.

Hope that makes sense!

Some people use weights, but for fixed bridle or ram air de-powers there is no need for the bag after some practice. If it helps you to use the weight than that is ok, but when you put on the weight do not lay it on the trailing edge on the inside of the kite (bridle side) ... instead fold a tip over and lay the weight there. So when the kite lifts off the weight the weight will not snag on a bridle line as the bag will be under the kite as soon as the kite launches. Again hope that makes sense also. Its hard to describe

windhunter - 3-7-2011 at 04:04 PM

Dakitez, makes perfect sense and I agree it's hard to describe , but I get it. It's embarrassing to ask such comonsense questions even though I just got in to this. Commonsense being the key word. Taking time to think about whats going on and whats about to happen under current conditions is all you have to do. Setting the kite downwind and changing the angle of the lines make more sense than the way I described it. The kite is filled and more preditable from that point on. To think all I had to do was let go of the handles and the killers would have did thier job just make me sooooo pissed off. Really wish I had an experienced local with this addiction to shorten the learning curve. Any and all other advice.....keep it comeing I'm like a sponge right now.

John Holgate - 4-7-2011 at 03:27 PM

Windhunter - your method is pretty close to mine except I don't stake the brakes. I usually lay the kite out - flat on it's back - wingtip into the wind folded with weight/sand - that way there's nothing for the wind to 'grab'. (I usually hold the wingtip and let the kite billow out downwind, then lay it down and weight the wingtip) Then I'll walk away unwinding the lines at the 45 degree (thereabouts) angle to put the kite on the edge of the window. (or if you're parapacking, walk away with the bag with lines 'unpacking'). When I start to lift the downwind wing tip, I will adjust my position if it doesn't look right. At this point, you're not committed to launch, so move around until you're sure it's going to 'peel' off the ground nicely.

Looks like some of the guys set the kite up for a normal downwind launch, then reposition themselves so the kite is towards the edge - looks like that works ok too. Practice both and see which you prefer. I must try it that way a bit more too!