Power Kite Forum

at the beach July2

shaggs2riches - 3-7-2011 at 12:25 PM

I uploaded a bunch of pictures the wife took of me flying at the beach yesterday. Sadly our beach is too soft to landboard. When you stand on the board the wheels just sink halfway in the ground. Trying to ride the kite just pulls you over onto your face. Anyway if anyone is interested here is the link to the album.....:wee:


acmbarber - 3-7-2011 at 03:21 PM

Impressive pipes. Hopefully, I can get my family out to the beach soon, too.

macboy - 5-7-2011 at 12:57 PM

Wow - good looking beach too. What lake is that at? (or is it a secret ; )

Kudos on the helmet too dude! Lightwind can become heavy wind around here QUICK. You're a good role model for those young ones milling around in the pics. :thumbup:

shaggs2riches - 5-7-2011 at 08:29 PM

Thanks guys!! Yeah the lake is kinda hidden from anyone that doesn't really know its there. The only what in is a cattle trail through a farmers field. Got lucky when we were looking at another lake to kite at. The park manager there suggested we try that lake because the one we were at was real small and in a sort of valley. He gave directions and we found it. This last weekend we saw one vehicle and that was the first time in a year. So far I the only time I haven't wore a bucket is when I went to the water as I don't have a water helmet. That is in the shopping cart when I can order my Evo hopefully very soon. I guess on that same day later in the afternoon the winds had dropped to 10km and the wife and I flew the trainer for about 20 minutes and we weren't wearing helmets, but that was an extreme exception as the kite would barely fly.