Power Kite Forum

Torn ribs on my Rush 300 pro

luke.skywatcher - 3-7-2011 at 03:26 PM

Hello all, Well my daughter had a bad crash with my Rush 300 yesterday. I didn't notice until today when I took the kite out. I looked inside and noticed ( after flying it for a while) that 3 ribs are torn. One of them right up close to the seem. So my question is... how, where can i get this repaired??. Thanks for the help....

tridude - 3-7-2011 at 03:45 PM

fixmykite.com if your stateside

luke.skywatcher - 3-7-2011 at 04:18 PM

Originally posted by tridude
fixmykite.com if your stateside

Thanks. That looks like the place I'll go!

tridude - 3-7-2011 at 05:28 PM

they do great work................Ive sent a few kites there. Beamerbob had a 15m Phantom repaired there with some major damage. After reapirs she flies great and you can barely tell were the damage was..........................

Also, welcomee to the forum..........................

indigo_wolf - 3-7-2011 at 06:57 PM

Just glad to hear it was kite ribs and not human ribs.

Here's hoping to a quick mend for the kite with the help of Jeff and the other elves.


sunset-Jim - 5-7-2011 at 08:17 AM

Originally posted by indigo_wolf
Just glad to hear it was kite ribs and not human ribs.

Here's hoping to a quick mend for the kite with the help of Jeff and the other elves.


My heart sunk too when I read that incorrectly.... How bout you BigKid.. you had to winch a little bit on that title