Power Kite Forum

Slingshot Bar Setup

macboy - 5-7-2011 at 10:01 PM

I've just received my new-to-me SS T3 11m and I believe what I have with it is a Slingshot Fullstroke Bar. It has short floats and pulleys on the bar ends but has been upgraded to CSS.

I'm setting the kite and bar up for 1:1 flying (as it was during my lessons...just to keep apples apples for now - I'll try the 2:1 later) and in doing so need to bypass the pulleys on the bar. All that was explained well in the instructions. The question I have is concerning the stopper ball (not the active stopper that runs on both lines, the one SS calls the "Power Ball").

What's the purpose of this ball and how does one set it (how do I determine where to set it)?

Note, the previous owner has done some creative ropery perhaps to save wear form the set screw or perhaps because he lost the set screw and needed a good fix. One may never know. I'm going to disassemble this and install a new adjustable stopper ball I have here ("power ball"). Just need to know if I should put it back where this one was or if it depends on the day, the winds, the sun, the moon etc.

Anything else I should check before flight? Leader lengths?

van - 6-7-2011 at 05:58 AM

That little ball lets you control how much depower you have. Where you put it will depend on the depower length you want. If you are not sure, put it all the way up so you have the maximum depower. The active ball does the same but allows you to adjust. The litlte round one is a permanent limit type ball. Fly the bar using your active stopper so you have an idea of where you feel is the best range. Too much depower will flag your kite so that's why the ball is there. Also remember that when you go between the 2:1 setup and the 1:1 setup, the length of the brake lines will change. Your attachment points on the kite will need to be moved to the inner ones in 1:1 mode.

PHREERIDER - 6-7-2011 at 09:07 AM

the limiter ball keep the in flight inversions (LE collaspe) to zero. like van said too much depower and the back end wll out run the front end ..that ain;t so good.

taking the bar pulleys out will increase bar feel , pressure and slow it down. kinda of unhooked desire, solid and slow.

43patrick - 8-7-2011 at 09:43 AM

I have flown the T3's both 1-1 and 2-1. In 2-1 the kite is more stable and has more depower. I have not had any problems with the kite inverting due to over depower so i would usually leave the stopper all the way out unless i wanted to be able to do bar spins with out depowering the kite. The kite does jump better in 2-1 and is easier to fly with one hand in 1-1.