This is what appeals to me is to just cruise on the trail with a park and ride on a nice day after work when it's too late to head to the lake (or no
wind at the lake) and the stick seems like a novel way to control the kite. The winds in the windrange I would use this in are usually rock steady
(and stronger down low as it is on top of a small hill) in the area where the trail is. It may be harder to find a good parking lot though.
Well, I have mocked a stick up with 5m lines to try. I have positions on the stick for both my 10m and 15m at positions that keep the front and rear
lines parallel to each other. Right now the lines are fixed length (no trimstraps) with knots on the rear lines (in lieu of extension pigtails to make
the rears longer than the fronts) for the 10 and 15.
If it does work (one size may work better than the other) I will add a trimstrap to the front lines if needed. Right now the trim is achieved entirely
by sheeting the bar in and out with the back hand.
The other concern is the autozenith. How strong will it be? and will this take way from the relaxing cruise by constantly trying to keep the kite
down. Will it be easy to control with the stick without causing a bowtie?
I'll be ready to try it on the next appropriate day. The trail does require certain wind directions. But it is super long and there are many
possibilities. |