AD72 - 6-7-2011 at 10:58 PM
The 15M Synergy spar length does not look right to me. I measured it and it is correct according to the arc setup faq 129.5cm. It sticks out from
the pocket significantly. The other arcs I have go just a bit out so the velcro flap puts tension on the spar. I recall one post saying their spar
fell out on their 15M Synergy and I thought at the time "how could that happen?" I can now see why. I may just get out the pipe cutter and trim
Photo of 15M syn with spar pushed all the way to the end of the pocket.
Flap closed but sticking out
13M Venom and Phantoms look like this.
Pocket flap closed
Also what have you guys done to strengthen the end of the spar pocket? The stitching has come loose in one of the ends.
Kamikuza - 6-7-2011 at 11:51 PM
At the LE there's a stiffer bit and the end of the pocket you kind have to poke the spar into firmly ... but it'll grab the cap if you're not careful
when you pull it out which is why I tape all my caps onto the spar.
I just go over loose stitching with a needle and thread if it isn't structural ...
Feyd - 7-7-2011 at 03:45 AM
AD are you the first owner? It almost sounds like there are loose caps stuck in the pocket ends. Maybe from the previous owner (if there is one)
Like Kami said there's a small opening in the end of the pocket that the spar slides into. But it looks like you've got some blockage there.
acampbell - 7-7-2011 at 04:28 AM
I have seen and have had customers report factory fresh sticks cut inches too long. once you establish that there is no blockage or anything else
amiss, go ahead and cut them to what looks right.
Bladerunner - 7-7-2011 at 06:10 AM
My 15m Synergy looked the same when new. I bent one spar and my second set were just that bit smaller?
AD72 - 20-7-2011 at 01:01 PM
Bladerunner please let me know how long the second set came in at. I am going to trim mine with the pipe cutter..........Measure twice cut once.
AD72 - 20-7-2011 at 01:03 PM
Feyd. Yes there was a cap in one but I made sure there was none in the side I took the photo of and I could feel the spar in the end.
Bladerunner - 20-7-2011 at 05:33 PM
I am having space issues . The Kite shed is literally buldging at the sides and the Syn is WAY under 2 buggies , boards , blades and all the recent
flown kites.
I will not be able to dig it out before the weekend. Sorry.
AD72 - 20-7-2011 at 07:58 PM
No worries. I think it is going to be a low wind weekend.