Power Kite Forum


ChrisH - 7-7-2011 at 12:52 AM

Looking to upgrade my stock handles for my Viper 3.9. They're the old style PL's and the control lines are killing my middle and index finger on both hands but more on my right. I only fly static at the moment and I prolly will be for quite some time due to lack of funds. What handles would you guys recommend? Any tips/recommendations/info would be much appreciated! :yes: Thanks guys!

pokitetrash - 7-7-2011 at 03:13 AM

Flexifoil Pro-Link. Super tough and comfy. Good and strong for anything you do with kites later on. I put them on all my kites. They cost you a few more dollars but if you leave the ground on purpose or by accident, you want strong gear.

Flexifoil Pro Link Handles

Scudley - 7-7-2011 at 06:25 AM

IMHO Ozone are definitely most comfy. I have them on almost all my kites.

indigo_wolf - 7-7-2011 at 06:26 AM

Until Chris adopts me :rolleyes:, I can't afford to put them on all my kites, but the ProLinks are on a lot of my kites. For awhile, I was getting a set with every couple of orders I placed.

They are stout and sinfully comfortable.


ripsessionkites - 7-7-2011 at 06:52 AM

XXtreme Grips ... the super soft grips and build to last.

if you fly with your index and middle finger through the top leader line only than try the Peter Lynn All-Star handles.
The top leader line has a Neoprene cover there, and comes ready to go with a strop / link line. Three sizes to pick from.

Looking_Up - 7-7-2011 at 06:58 AM

I fly the same way to keep undue pressure off the brakes
Ozone all the way super comfy

ChrisH - 7-7-2011 at 05:55 PM

Thanks for the suggestions everybody! I like the fact that the Ozone and PL Pro handles have the neoprene sleeve on the power line connectors but I really like that the Flexi Pro Link Handles don't have a loop for a strop, unless you want one there. The Flexi handles also have a sleeve on the power line connectors but it looks like it's made of rubber? Seems like that might increase the chafing in between the fingers? I doubt they would put something there that would increase the chafing so I must be mistaken. The Flexi handles are also cheaper so I think I'm gonna give them a try.

DAKITEZ - 7-7-2011 at 07:12 PM

how about if you wear gloves? Then all handles will be cushioned between your fingers :)

ChrisH - 8-7-2011 at 01:00 AM

Originally posted by DAKITEZ
how about if you wear gloves? Then all handles will be cushioned between your fingers :)

I have looked into that option as well. There's a couple other people who fly my kite and trading sweaty gloves just doesn't sound appealing. I guess it isn't much different than trading sweaty kite killers, though. I see that there's quite a few people who wear sailing gloves, looking online they seem to run just about as much or more than a pair of Flexi Pro Link Handles at the website linked to above. I'll give a cheap pair of gloves with a leather palm a try before I buy new handles, thanks for the tip.

Btw, thanks for your response to my email on backstraps, I'll be getting one from you when I buy the Viper. :smilegrin:

vacumatic - 9-7-2011 at 07:49 AM

I think I've suffered permanent nerve damage on the inside of my middle finger from pinching by the line. I got these and they're fantastic: http://www.coastalwindsports.com/servlet/the-151/Quad-Handle...

They're very comfortable and, hopefully, durable.

Chook - 9-7-2011 at 07:58 AM

"XXtreme Grips ... the super soft grips and build to last."

These are really nice to use. (With a strop though).

A top class product I highly recomend.

ChrisH - 11-7-2011 at 05:45 PM

Tried gloves, didn't really do me much good. Maybe when the bruises in between my fingers go away they will feel better.;-)They probably aren't the best gloves to use but they're what I have.

Handle Size? I have a hard time applying the left brake in high winds, would it benefit me to get longer handles? I assume you get more leverage with longer handles? Or is it the other way around? I've tried putting my hands lower on the handles several times and it just isn't comfortable so I thought I'd ask.

indigo_wolf - 11-7-2011 at 06:00 PM

No, you were correct longer handles will give you more leverage. At the extreme, pulley handles give even more leverage.


bigkid - 11-7-2011 at 07:04 PM

Chris, u2u sent.

ChrisH - 11-7-2011 at 07:47 PM

Thanks guys!:D

ChrisH - 3-8-2011 at 05:54 PM

Tried the Flexi ProLinks and they're awesome. They've made my kite a ton more responsive and it doesn't luff as easily. My hands are now comfy and my fingers aren't bruised or blistered. Have also used a harness a little bit and it definitely helps too. Kiting is now even more fun!