Power Kite Forum

Auto zenith

viperkid181 - 16-7-2011 at 04:49 PM

Is it normal for a 6.6 blade 3 to not auto zenith in calm winds? Just got this kite 2 days ago and the wind sucked yesterday and today. Not sure if I should be worried or not. I read about the bridal stretching and I got no wind to test it out in. any thoughts?

indigo_wolf - 16-7-2011 at 04:56 PM

Auto zenith is a characteristic of PL Arcs.... the Blade like most FB foils pretty much develop a mind of their own once you let them off the leash.

Some snarl and bite more than others.


BeamerBob - 16-7-2011 at 05:01 PM

About the only thing that will autozenith with a Blade is the pilot! Yep, fixed bridle kites want to turn. Either the pilot can control it or the kite can. With a Blade, it better be the pilot.

viperkid181 - 16-7-2011 at 05:18 PM

Ight I really hope its just the lack of wind. Just seems strange since my 10.5 doesnt seem to have a problem going up and staying there.

Bladerunner - 17-7-2011 at 11:00 AM

I think you are confusing Auto Zenith and the kites abilaty to sit at " the edge " of the wind window. As folks are trying to tell you, auto zenith is a twin skin arc specific quality.

Blades are high strung kites. if you don't have smooth wind then keeping it steady on " the egde " will be a chore. A real struggle to learn on.

Some models of Blade have adjustable AOA . was it set right ?

What speed was the wind?

What does the previous owner have to say?

BeamerBob - 17-7-2011 at 11:54 AM

Another thing is a 6.6 Blade III (highest strung Blade ever) is going to be more fidgety than any 10.5m Fixed bridle kite. Not to say something isn't right, but without video or more specific description, we can't really figure if there is a problem or not.

viperkid181 - 17-7-2011 at 12:28 PM

What do you mean by highest strung? The wind was calm so less than 1 mph.also I dont think u can adjust rhe aoa on this one. At least I dont see a way to do that.

csa_deadon - 17-7-2011 at 12:42 PM

I believe what Bob was trying to say, is the blade III, demanded more respect than any other blade series. The blade line is known to spank you if you do not pay constant attention to it. There is no "fly and forget" fixed bridal kite. Becareful with this kite (all kites).

indigo_wolf - 17-7-2011 at 01:35 PM

AoA adjustment is standard on the Blade IV/V.

The Blade III would require the AoA kit be retrofitted to be able to adjust the angle of attack.


viperkid181 - 17-7-2011 at 04:29 PM

Thanks wolf. I will have to think about it to see if I should get it. Have you ever gotten one of these kits? Would you recommend it?

indigo_wolf - 17-7-2011 at 05:15 PM

I have the AoA Kit on my larger Rages and PKD Brooza II has AoA adjustments built in.

The first thing you are going to do is look at the product page and freak over spending $30 on some bridle cord and a metal ring.

OK.... over that now. This isn't quite the same as putting a wig on your significant other ("oh dear.... I've always wanted to date a redhead...." but, she'll still nudge you in the wee hours to take the dog out in the rain :sniff: ).

You'll hear about people say that they either "click" with a kite or not. The AOA kit allows you to increase the latitude for "clicking" with the kite. It allows you to tune the kite for more grunt or more lift. Unlike a depower kite, you can't do it on the fly, the adjustment has to be done while the kite is parked on the ground.

However, if the winds aren't all over the place you get to add a fair amount of adjustability to the flight characteristics of the kite. That's where the $30 is going.... it's not a silver bullet, just another tool in the utility belt.

WG swears by the AoA kit on his Rages.


Bladerunner - 17-7-2011 at 05:22 PM

If your kite won't sit at the edge. Odds are they wind is too light.

You will learn that your wind window shrinks as the wind drops. I have a feeling that is all you are experiencing.

I don't believe that your 10.5 will fly and sit at the edge in sub 1 mph wind?

When I say high strung I mean that small issues can be magnified due to the kites high peformance.

RedSky - 17-7-2011 at 07:51 PM

I have nothing to add to this subject that hasn't already been said. I just wanted to increase my post count.


PS: Check your break lines aren't too tight. Oops, I meant brake lines.

viperkid181 - 17-7-2011 at 08:17 PM

lol red did that. It's already on the furthest one.