Power Kite Forum

Should it stay or should it go?

thanson2001ok - 17-7-2011 at 04:15 PM

When I got my 13m Frenzy I thought it would be a session saver. But every time I pull it out I get skunked. Just can't get it up in light winds. (I blade and kite ski)

Am I going to the wrong kite in low winds?

Looking_Up - 17-7-2011 at 08:45 PM

How low the frenzy should get up by 6 knots

Pulsar - 18-7-2011 at 06:24 AM

A 13 meter depower foil is a kite for average winds, not a low wind session saver. Won't be doing much under 12 knots. You probably made the mistake of picking a depower. A 13 square meter fixed bridle would be usefull in 4 knots, though only for riding a buggy or flyboard around. For depower session savers, you want at least 18 square meters.

Bladerunner - 18-7-2011 at 06:44 AM

I feel your pain.

It seems that for those sub 6mph days the real session savers for us have been the large open cell FB foils.

11.2 and 16 Vapor, 14m Yak are the kites we see up and running 1st . Followed shortly by 10.8 Reactor. On Snow.

Little Ricky seems to handle the big Vapors but I haven't fallen for them. Even my 10.8 can be too much and I have to speed check.

snowspider - 18-7-2011 at 07:26 AM

I'm sure you already know this but check the settings on the kite to make sure its flying as flat/depowered as possible. In really light winds those big fat kites need to have almost no angle of attack.

thanson2001ok - 18-7-2011 at 07:58 AM

Good insight, gents. Thanks.

I typically have tried the 13m in less than 9 mph winds. I can see where a FB would be easier to launch in these winds. The Frenzy seems to have more bridle weight and, of course, a few pulleys and such. I have tried to depower it as much as possible in order to facilitate a launch.

So, hmmm, maybe I'll be tweaking my quiver.:eureka:

It just kills me to get skunked in the 6-10 mph stuff we seem to get for much of the summer. I don't like getting teased!:sniff:

Pulsar - 19-7-2011 at 04:14 PM

Judging from the (awesome) collection in your sig, i'd say the current lowest wind thing you have is the Blade 8.5. This one will easily outperform the Frenzy 13 in low winds. I'm amazed you didn't considder your Venom19 to be more session-saving then the Frenzy 13 though. Presuming you get it to fly of course, preinflating a giant twinskin in 6 mph winds is a #@%$#!...

I'd say what you need is a 10-11 square meter fixed bridle. Something like a Blade III 10.5 for example. Probably hard to find, but the size would be perfect.

thanson2001ok - 19-7-2011 at 04:28 PM

@Pulsar - Yeh, the 19m Venom is one I need to try more often. Pre-inflation is a booger though. That's primarily why I have tried the Frenzy. I bought an electric leaf blower to handle this now. That will be the ticket.

I'll also give the Blade a shot. Honestly, I have kind of left that thing in the bag until I feel better about using a lifty kite. I have deferred jumping until I feel I am really ready for the inevitable fails.