jasoncpg - 18-7-2011 at 03:37 PM
hello my name is jason i just got a 2 line sport kite but for the life of me i cant figer out how two tie the controle lins to the bridle, it is the
one from ebay sport zone one can some one help me and my son. thank you
g00fba11 - 18-7-2011 at 03:45 PM
You need to use a larks head knot.
shehatesmyhobbies - 18-7-2011 at 04:08 PM
Yup, goofball is right! Once you get that figured out, you will be up and at it in no time!
Welcome to the addiction!
jasoncpg - 18-7-2011 at 04:09 PM
thanks for the fast reply, there are a bunch of lines but they dont go to rings they are luce
csa_deadon - 18-7-2011 at 04:44 PM
Maybe posting a pic of the bridals would help us. Almost sounds like the bridal lines are not connected with a leader.
Bladerunner - 18-7-2011 at 04:57 PM
I can't find " sport zone " kites on Ebay or google?
Your bridle lines should be grouped and attached to 2 leader lines. They will have a knot at the bottom. " Larks head " on to that knot.
You get what you pay for in this sport. Ebay is full of bad kites.
If this kite frustrates you please don't give up. Save up for a real power kite and you will be hooked !
A picture would be great!
zero gee - 18-7-2011 at 06:09 PM
Could this be the kite? :wow:
indigo_wolf - 18-7-2011 at 06:15 PM
Yikes.... looks like a really, really bad Flexifoil Bullet knock-off with inverted colors:
WELDNGOD - 18-7-2011 at 06:52 PM
DAKITEZ - 18-7-2011 at 06:54 PM
that is scary looking. They can not even make it look good in the pictures. If that is the kite you got I would highly suggest you return it and get
your money back.
You can get a 2 line peter lynn vibe for very little money and it will be much better.
AviN - 18-7-2011 at 07:41 PM
That looks like a bunch of groceries bags tied together......no offence to you Jason.
It's truly sucks when companies like that sells their crappy items under the shadow of real powerkites, especially to beginners....
Bladerunner - 18-7-2011 at 07:47 PM
" when released it you will have the feeling of dancing with the wind " :roll:
I think by this they are saying what Dakitze is " Send it back and by a PL "
tridude - 18-7-2011 at 08:05 PM
yes return it.........I have a 2.5m Flexifoil Bullet I can sell you....................................
pyro22487 - 18-7-2011 at 09:08 PM
agreed if that is the kite yikes. send it back its worth the trouble and shipping to do so. sorry to say. pl, ozone, hq, flexi. all good companies
just stick to the cheaper stuff.
jasoncpg - 18-7-2011 at 11:59 PM
yes i know it is not a good kite but like all new things i get into i dont want to spend a bunch of cash and not use it. i will post pics later.
thanks for the help.
shaggs2riches - 19-7-2011 at 12:18 AM
Looking around the forums in for sale sections, you could get a quality trainer kite that will get you through the paces. I'll bet that if you were
patient $100-200 with shipping would go a long way to get you something that will put you through th e paces quickly. What you have there will be
nothing but hassle. Even if you get it flying, it will more than likely fly like crap, in the end this route will just discourage you. Trust the good
people here when they are advising you that you'd be better off with a different kite. In the end the other kite will probably hold some value should
you decide to sell it to fund another kite. Once you become hooked there is no turning back.
Pulsar - 19-7-2011 at 03:12 AM
My god, the atrocity... a wet newspaper with a bridle looks better in the air
Bladerunner - 19-7-2011 at 06:42 AM
The thing is you DON"T have a real power kite so have spent your money on the wrong thing and will not use or enjoy this thing.
Trust us on this ! Many of us have made this mistake.
Power kiting is a whole lot of fun. Trying to fly somethig like that is a pain and not an example of our sport at all.
erratic winds - 19-7-2011 at 08:53 AM
Absolutely return this "kite" and get a real one. If you do own what is in the pictures, it will do nothing but frustrate you and make you angry, and
destroy any love you have for the wind.
What got me into this was the t-foil trainer from GoFlyAKite, then a 4m version of the same. Here is the absolute cheapest I could find one that's
NOT ABSOLUTELY TRASH. http://www.amazon.com/Go-Fly-Kite-Traction-Powerfoil/dp/B000...
Is GoFlyAKite amazing quality compread to PeterLynn or Ozone? No. Will it fly just great out of the bag, saving you from the headaches you currently
have? YES.
Where are you in canada? Can we direct you to a local who might be able to give you hands-on time?
bobalooie57 - 19-7-2011 at 09:19 AM
I was at the beach last fall, and saw a guy trying to fly a similar kite, only 4M, rigged 4-line. It had Rev style handles, and the line was braided
nylon! Every time you would pull a handle, it would just stretch, and the poorly designed kite would just collapse. Prolly a good thing cuz I was
flying my 2M Beamer. After trying to fly his kite, (which I was unable to) I handed him the handles to my beamer, and he popped it right up, and was
amazed at the pull in the 25-28 mph wind! He couldn't believe how the kite handled compared with "his".