Power Kite Forum

Video "A Kitemare Before Christmas"

Frathouse - 18-7-2011 at 08:28 PM

Warning the following video may be funny to some and offensive to others?

"A Kitemare Before Christmass"

Please if your easily offended by rock music, skulls, or rude kite comments proceed no further. This is funny or at least it is to me and not intended to be at all serious. Enjoy if you dare.

Mostly shot on 07/17/2011 at wonderful AZT

Thanks to Michael and Sunnie who let me borrow an SD card since I forgot mine. Truly saved the day I just wish I had started filming later in the day and gotten the high wind session on film. Yet another session that got away from the camera.

flyjump - 18-7-2011 at 08:32 PM

looks like you had a fun session! i'm definatly jealous

WELDNGOD - 18-7-2011 at 09:00 PM

awesome my skeleton brother!!

WIllardTheGrey - 19-7-2011 at 01:24 AM

Fantastic! A movie I didn't mute for once!

Kamikuza - 19-7-2011 at 04:23 AM

If you'd grabbed the LH rear leader at 0:27 and pulled it in, you'd have saved all that nasty flapping around :)
God what an awesome spot ... I'm so jealous! Want a S3 12 too :D

Todd - 19-7-2011 at 05:35 AM

Between the "LEI's are for Pu$$ies" and you wearing the top hat rocking the skeletor jacket I had tears rolling in laughter.

That one rocked Brad, keep up the good vids man.

ragden - 19-7-2011 at 05:48 AM

Heh, fun vid bud. Too bad the memory card didnt get the high wind session, that was the best part... Oh well. We'll just have to do it again...

Drewculous - 19-7-2011 at 08:06 AM

I dig it! Man those are sweet kites... Dowant! :lol:

PHREERIDER - 19-7-2011 at 08:34 AM

nice kite krack FRAT!

High wind is a guarantee the camera has been left

and the audience leaves when it gets ragged for sure!

bobalooie57 - 19-7-2011 at 09:07 AM

YAY!!! You are sure rockin them fly's, Brad! Great vid, keep em comin!!:tumble:

erratic winds - 19-7-2011 at 09:17 AM

Loved it! Thanks for putting it together! Liked how you used edits to make the song more of a part of the whole, instead of just noise on top of some kite-flick.

Frathouse - 19-7-2011 at 05:00 PM

I am so glad everyone enjoyed it! I had a lot of fun making this vid. In all it probably took about 4 hours to edit.

@Erratic Thanks for your comment I did spend a lot of time working on cutting clips to music in both "a Kitemare before Christmas" and "busted". Basically in my if it looks synced it was done on purpose. I try to make Kite/music videos.

@Todd I hope it was as funny as when I saw you do this...

My tribute to you my friend!

Seanny - 19-7-2011 at 05:17 PM

I was offended by the rock music. You kids these days with your loud nonsense garbage!

Frathouse - 19-7-2011 at 05:30 PM

Well at least you were not offended by "Lei's are for pussies" :)

Seanny - 19-7-2011 at 05:39 PM

:lol: Nah, I'm kidding. I'm sitting here wearing my vintage Immolation "Dawn of Possession" t-shirt. You really think I get offended by Rob Zombie? :wee:

Todd - 19-7-2011 at 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Frathouse
@Todd I hope it was as funny as when I saw you do this...

My tribute to you my friend!

OMG I'm honored, I totally about launched a sip of water at the screen! Thank you SIR!

Frathouse - 19-7-2011 at 05:46 PM

:lol: nope not really just didn't get my sarcasm over well enough. :Ange09:

dman - 20-7-2011 at 05:22 AM

where the hell can I get a jacket like that? I live in a gated community populated by sniveling old farts and would love to walk the dog wearing that little number!

Frathouse - 20-7-2011 at 10:42 AM

Hot topic had it last Halloween

shaggs2riches - 2-8-2011 at 09:31 PM

I love that video real character. The star wars text credits was awesome, had to pause it read the whole thing. None the less funny as hell, they should make a wetsuit hood to look like a skull.

Originally posted by Kamikuza
If you'd grabbed the LH rear leader at 0:27 and pulled it in, you'd have saved all that nasty flapping around :)
God what an awesome spot ... I'm so jealous! Want a S3 12 too :D

What is it exactly that you are looking for to determine which leader to yank on???? I have that exact same scenario quite a bit and never seem to be able to correct it until it hits the ground/water. More ofter than not it ends in an invert or bowtie. Really intimidating for me to enter the water with it. (my 12m sp2 that is)

Kamikuza - 3-8-2011 at 03:36 AM

The one that is 'up' :lol:
In the vid, the left one ... giving it a good pull SEEMS to bring that tip back into the powerzone (or out of the stalled air flow around the kite) and power it up again. Usually, the kite will pick up and try to turn up to the zenith, so be quick to pull the leader and quick to correct the steering when it loads up again.

I don't generally drop the SA at all any more ... even when I bugger things up. Like a manual transmission car, you've got to do a little more work to keep it zinging ;)