Power Kite Forum

Aqua seal

Samm - 19-7-2011 at 01:44 PM

Hey guys. I searched but couldn't find a real answer. And I'm the only kiter in my area ( that I've ever seen), so I turn to you guys. I basically have 36 valves that need to be reattached to their bladders. My question is how many 3/4 oz tubes of aqua seal will this take? Or should I go ahead and buy the large 8 oz tube? I can't find any locally as I'm not in what I'd call a big city. So I need to figure out how much to buy because I may have to order online. Thanks :)

indigo_wolf - 19-7-2011 at 02:23 PM

Jeff at www.ProKiteSurf.com / www.FixMyKite.com stocks Aquaseal and can probably give you a good guesstimate on how much you will need for 36 valves.


Samm - 19-7-2011 at 02:28 PM

Cool. Thank you very much.

syuzhak - 21-7-2011 at 07:38 AM

Dont use aquaseal! All the valves will peel off after a season, and you'll have to redo it all.

This is the only glue that actually works....It takes 24 hours to cure but your valves wont come off again.


Samm - 21-7-2011 at 02:45 PM

Ah really? A friend just picked some up on a trip through L.A. and is already on route back..
Well thanks though, ill look into grabbing some of that 3M Marine stuff too.

Samm - 8-8-2011 at 02:47 PM

Well for anyone in the future that this info could help:
One tube of aquaseal (3/4 oz) went through 36 valves. :D
So far the seal has worked good. I'm hoping itll last a few years, I'll post when and if it does wear out.