Power Kite Forum

do i need to get another kite

shortlineflyer - 21-7-2011 at 10:53 AM

I have a hq Scout 5m and hq crossfire II 10m
i like buggying, jumping, static sometimes, atb

should i add on to what i have or stay where i am for the moment

Drewculous - 21-7-2011 at 11:48 AM

thats like saying, do i need air!

come to the d'arc side!

it'll take your kite flying to a completely different level!

you can jump with arcs, buggy, atb, surf..... great kites all around.... theres a 15m synergy over in the fs section brplatz is trying to sell....

depending on your size, terrain, and winds this may (or may not) be an option

AD72 - 21-7-2011 at 12:14 PM

You can always need another kite. Try an ARC...or two...or more.

Bladerunner - 21-7-2011 at 04:37 PM

Time to try a Twin Skin! :cool:

I have 20 kites and I NEED more !:D

mougl - 21-7-2011 at 05:18 PM

To be brief, yes.

greasehopper - 21-7-2011 at 05:24 PM

Speaking strictly from the buggy side of the question, De-powers are smart because of the broad wind range and probably the right way to cover the greatest range of conditions with the least gear possible. However, I think you'll find the costs of a broad wind range quiver of FB's or De-power's are gonna be close to the same... more FB's required but usually at a lower cost per unit than De-power's.

I went for a mix (as noted below) that gives me some overlap of wind range between styles with a focus on park-n-ride style buggy rides.
(I really don't run my NPW stock much any longer so, back those out of the equation)

That 10m Crossfire is gonna be too much buggy engine on all but the smoothest, light wind days but it's way too much fun to play with on the upper end of it's range. :wee:

shortlineflyer - 22-7-2011 at 09:17 AM

the problem is that i just needf to get out and try different things but only a couple people live near me and the stuff they have is either lei or out of my price range
i dont want to want something that i will never afford

PHREERIDER - 22-7-2011 at 09:56 AM

you got gear. use it.

kitedelight - 22-7-2011 at 09:56 AM

in the used market, you can still find good deals around...
for Peter Lynn, venoms and synergy arcs will very affordable, flysurfers like the pulse2, speed2 (except the SA fabric versions), and some sizes of the psycho3 can be found at reasonable prices. I am sure you can find some reasonable deals on ozone kites too.

If you got local fliers that will let you try one of their LEI kites, give it a shot.
I just got my first LEI a month back or so and so far, ...I actually like it quite a bit. They can power up very quick so not sure I would want one as my first depower, but the shear amount of depower on the bar gives a lot of control. But, for the light winds on land, LEIs aren't great cause they need more wind to fly and especially relaunch. A larger foil/arc and a 8/9m LEI would give a nice range on land if you wanted to go LEI route.

shortlineflyer - 22-7-2011 at 10:01 AM

i dont want to though, i dont even know what i want i just want to try different land foils until i find something i like

indigo_wolf - 22-7-2011 at 10:08 AM

Honestly the best way to do that is to post a query in the Meetup Section of the forum and see if there are other flyers or events in your area. Sometimes OPK (other people's kites) is a more effective, cheaper way to find out what you do and don't like.


tridude - 22-7-2011 at 03:13 PM

Originally posted by shortlineflyer
I have a hq Scout 5m and hq crossfire II 10m
i like buggying, jumping, static sometimes, atb

should i add on to what i have or stay where i am for the moment

yes................... I would recommend the 10m Pulse 2 (get the $$$ down) in the for sale section................nice fit your 10m Crossie for low low wind................@ 10/12 mph the P2 comes alive........................good to go mi amigo.................

AD72 - 22-7-2011 at 04:59 PM

@Tridude - Did you cull the quiver. I see a lot less on there than last week?
@Shortline - How many hours do you have on your existing kites?

tridude - 22-7-2011 at 09:57 PM

no culling

If youre looking/ready for depower the 10m Pulse 2 is sweet...................you have a bit of a whole in your quiver for buggy/landboarding but not too bad...................10/8m Pulse 2 would fit nicely.................if your static then youre fine!!!

kitedelight - 22-7-2011 at 10:42 PM

oh wow....haven't looked that section for a while...there is a rare kite up there, psycho3 10...hardly EVER see those guys for sale. Pulse2 would probably be easier for the first depower though.

Bladerunner - 23-7-2011 at 07:37 AM

Originally posted by shortlineflyer
i dont want to though, i dont even know what i want i just want to try different land foils until i find something i like

If this is the case you should tryand book a vacation around attending an event.

Going to events pays off in spades if trying and learning new stuff is the goal.