Power Kite Forum

Long Beach, WA - Aug 13-18

Morrie Williams - 26-7-2011 at 07:33 PM

NAPKA has 2 events coming up in Long Beach, WA.

The first is Aug 13-15 "offically" an NAPKA event where Blokarters can sail.

The second is Aug 16-18 "offically" a Blokart event where NAPKA can sail.

This all starts the weekend before the start of WSIKF and goes thru Thursday of WSIKF.


Long Beach (Klipsan Beach) August 13-15 - NAPKA
Date Day Time Height Time Height Time Height Time Height
08/13/2011 Sat 12:32AM LDT 7.5 H 07:07AM LDT -0.9 L 01:41PM LDT 6.7 H 07:08PM LDT 1.5 L
08/14/2011 Sun 01:16AM LDT 7.3 H 07:41AM LDT -0.6 L 02:16PM LDT 6.8 H 07:50PM LDT 1.3 L
08/15/2011 Mon 01:58AM LDT 7.1 H 08:12AM LDT -0.2 L 02:47PM LDT 6.9 H 08:30PM LDT 1.1 L

Long Beach (Klipsan Beach) August 16-18 - NWBKA
Date Day Time Height Time Height Time Height Time Height
08/16/2011 Tue 02:38AM LDT 6.8 H 08:41AM LDT 0.2 L 03:15PM LDT 7.0 H 09:07PM LDT 1.0 L
08/17/2011 Wed 03:18AM LDT 6.4 H 09:08AM LDT 0.6 L 03:41PM LDT 7.0 H 09:44PM LDT 1.0 L
08/18/2011 Thu 03:59AM LDT 6.0 H 09:36AM LDT 1.1 L 04:06PM LDT 6.9 H 10:23PM LDT 0.9 L

To register:

Aug 13-15 - http://www.napka.org//event_reg.php?Event_id=51
Aug 16-18 - http://www.napka.org//event_reg.php?Event_id=47

Hope to see you all there!

Morrie Williams - 11-8-2011 at 07:18 AM

For those of you in the northwest US and western Canada, don't forget 6 days of buggying at Long Beach, WA.

flash - 11-8-2011 at 11:24 AM

I will be there for WSIKF (aug 16-22) running a field if anyone needs a kite come hit me up

ripsessionkites - 11-8-2011 at 11:43 AM

is WSIKF going to ever allow us to buggy demo every again?

arkay - 11-8-2011 at 12:07 PM

I'll be there for part 2... the first friday I'll be at the night flight. Was hoping to have a rev by now, but that fell thru :( Maybe I can borrow peggy's for a bit... flash, any idea which field you'll be at?

I think NAPKA could potentially approach that for next year based on the WA parks. But I imagine the buggy area would be small and way way south, way way downwind.

Morrie Williams - 11-8-2011 at 02:37 PM

Between 1994 and 2000, Kelci and I supervised the buggy demos and open buggying at WSIKF. When AKA dropped the insurance coverage for any kind of traction kiting, it became a problem to have buggies at WSIKF.

There may be buggy demos in the future at WSIKF. Robin Haas has taken over running the field events and he may be more willing to allow us at some point, especially since we have our own insurance. I'll try to corner him during WSIKF and talk about it. We also have Kay Buesing from the World Kite Museum on our side.

Wish us luck!

ripsessionkites - 12-8-2011 at 01:36 AM

thx morrie, its good to see that B...T...H no longer running it. I heard it was her solely for removing us off the insurance.

GOOD LUCK, traction kiting RULES.

Morrie Williams - 16-8-2011 at 07:35 AM

I'm not sure what all factors were involved in dropping buggys at WSIKF.

I talked to Jane Holeman (overall festival director), Robin Haas (new field boss) and Kay Buesing (World KIte Museum) and EVERYONE agrees that we should work toward having buggys at WSIKF next year.

We'll be working on this over the next few months. Who is willing to step foward and help with this effort??


Morrie Williams - 16-8-2011 at 07:54 AM

The Klipsan beach approach is good, until you get to the end. There's VERY soft sand at the end and a 4-6 foot drop to the hardpack. Upper sand on all beaches is very soft. Hard pack is rough with many holes and sand bars.

We've been going to the farthest north approach, Oysterville Road. The upper sand is drivable with 4WD, but not good for a 2WD. If the wind in out of the northwest (usual direction), you may want to be there around low tide only. If the wind is out of the west (not often), you can buggy within 2 hours either side of high tide.

bigkid - 16-8-2011 at 08:39 AM

Morrie, I would be happy to help out with the AKA and buggys.

Whats it look like for Thursday? If its good I'll bring Todd with me, along with his 7000 GoPro's. :lol::lol:

ripsessionkites - 16-8-2011 at 09:48 AM

Todd needs a warm up lesson before SOBB. This ain't eastcoast riding anymore. Welcome to the elite at Sunset Beach. West Coast.!!.

fletcht - 16-8-2011 at 12:58 PM

Morrie, count me in.
Also the soft sand at osterville is buggyable. Spent about 3 hours Monday with a north wind on it. Lots of open beach if big foots and the wind is blowin. Will be out there again this afternoon.

arkay - 16-8-2011 at 06:02 PM

Morrie, I'm in! If you want any equipment at WISKF this year (for show not use) (or whatever) I can trailer some up... I'll be there anyway!

fletcht - 17-8-2011 at 03:34 PM

Heh Morrie, missed you this morning. (8-17 )Stopped at Klipsan about 8:00 AM no one there decided to go on up to Osterville Rd. less of a walk for me. Buggied on the bar opposite the approach all morning. Nice and firm. Left around 11:30 when the winds died down. May not make it out in the morning. Unless winds are onshore and 10-15 then home trip can wait. Otherwise had a good time. I'll be in contact about WSIKF 2012.

Morrie Williams - 17-8-2011 at 10:19 PM

WE didn't get to Klipsan until almost 10:00. Dave Lord, Rich Cznich and Al and Cheryl Axton were there with Kelci and I until about noon. Wind was light and beach was small.

We'll be heading for Oysterville road around 9:00 on Thurday with a stop at Klipsan to check things out.

Hope to see everyone there.

Nothing going on at WSIKF this year. Next year we hope to have something happening. Flash is doing demos at the festival area.

arkay - 17-8-2011 at 11:48 PM

I'll be at the night fly friday and bear drop on Saturday then off to buggy... post where you'll be!

Morrie Williams - 18-8-2011 at 07:30 AM

Today, Thursday, is the last day of buggying or blokarting for this event. The next event is SOBB.

Wind is nil this morning with predictions of 7-10 later today. Based on wind and beach conditions, we won't be heading up to Oysterville this morning.

If anyone plans on coming down, give me a call at 360-580-9008.

arkay - 18-8-2011 at 11:54 PM

Hope you guys had a good time while I was stuck at work :p I'll be as WSIKF Fri/Sat... and no rev. maybe I'll bring the v19 to fly.

Morrie Williams - 2-10-2011 at 08:01 AM

Just returned from a wrapup meeting for WSIKF 2011 and discussions about WSIKF 2012.

Looks like we may have buggys at WSIKF 2012! I'll be working with the festival organizers over the next few months to make it a reality.

Keep your fingers crossed!

sunset-Jim - 2-10-2011 at 08:14 AM

Awesome, fingers are crossed