Power Kite Forum

Casino funded depower kite

viperkid181 - 4-8-2011 at 03:03 AM

So since they built a new casino near my house, I now have a personal sponsor ^.^ In the past 4 days I have now made 376 bucks playing craps for 5 minutes every day. Today was an exception as it was a 5 hour stay and my jealous manager jinxed me, however it was still another successful night for me. Anyways depower is the next thing I'm looking into so anyone got any suggestions? I don't think money is a huge issue since time is all I need. Currently I'm still flying my Blade 3 10.5m and I'm looking for something with the same about of kick but in a depower kite.

ragden - 4-8-2011 at 04:55 AM

Your expected wind range?
What are you riding (buggy, landboard, water, snow)?

Drewculous - 4-8-2011 at 06:46 AM

Depower the blade lol

viperkid181 - 4-8-2011 at 10:51 AM

Originally posted by ragden
Your expected wind range?
What are you riding (buggy, landboard, water, snow)?

Usually 10-15 mph. For now I'm just static flying.

Drewculous - 4-8-2011 at 10:59 AM

Imo, if you're just static, depowers are a little overkill (not sure if that's the correct term) depowers really start to shine when in motion... That being said

10-15 mph for me is 12.5m open cell depower(15+), or the 19m charger was just starting to come alive at 15.... If money is no object... 15m or 19m (depending on your size) $peed 3 dlx!

ragden - 4-8-2011 at 10:59 AM

Originally posted by viperkid181
Originally posted by ragden
Your expected wind range?
What are you riding (buggy, landboard, water, snow)?

Usually 10-15 mph. For now I'm just static flying.

...Okay. What is your goal?

skimtwashington - 4-8-2011 at 12:24 PM

"In the past 4 days I have now made 376 bucks playing craps for 5 minutes every day."

"...Winner...Duh!.."(Charlie Sheen)

Be careful...everyone starts out a winner.....don't let it become a disease...


Jaymz - 4-8-2011 at 03:20 PM

Flying a big fixed bridle on handles static sure is a workout. Flew Vipers enough and Kobers 10.5 Crossfire in 5-10mph winds and was exhausted after a few minutes. That kite is a freight train. Have much more fun scudding and jumping static with the 11 or 14m Gin depower in 10-15mph.

Btw,Living 1 hour from AC, I know some local gamblers. They end up spending years chasing their losses and yes it turns into a disease. It's not the money but the "rush" After blowing through their savings, one guy we know hocked the family minivan and his wifes jewlery....gone. They would of lost the house if his wife didn't intervine and make him get help.
You may win some, but the odds are ALWAYS against you. Be careful.

viperkid181 - 4-8-2011 at 05:30 PM

Originally posted by ragden
Originally posted by viperkid181
Originally posted by ragden
Your expected wind range?
What are you riding (buggy, landboard, water, snow)?

Usually 10-15 mph. For now I'm just static flying.

...Okay. What is your goal?

Just looking to jump. Get some nice float. Don't have the space to ride on a board or a buggy. I'm also looking for something around 700-1000 bucks for starters.

Ps. Please no lectures on the gambling portion of my thread. I am doing great. Past 5 visits I've made money and I know when to stop. I know some people get too hooked into it but I don't think that it will become a problem for me.

Back to the kite portion. Drew you mentioned something about open cell kites. Could anyone give me an example of open cell vs closed sell? Also I'm not looking for a kite that I have to pump up to have fun with. I like the idea of unrolling it and flying it. Anything extra in between just seems like a chore to me lol.

labrat - 4-8-2011 at 06:06 PM

Originally posted by viperkid181Ps. Please no lectures on the gambling portion of my thread. I am doing great. Past 5 visits I've made money and I know when to stop. I know some people get too hooked into it but I don't think that it will become a problem for me.

No lecture, just people who care. :thumbup:
Please see it in that light, I would much rather you see a full quiver of kites than vaporized/evaporated dreams. "I know when to stop" just rings in my ears. Please remember that and Sorry.

Enjoy the ride. Kiting that is...

indigo_wolf - 4-8-2011 at 06:26 PM

Open Cell Kites are basically what they sound like. Air (or water) can readily enter the cells through the intake vents. Any of the Ozones foils, HQ Apex or Montana are examples of open cell foils.

Closed cell foils are bit of a misnomer, but close enough to the truth. They are meant for flying on land or water. Air enters the cells through the intake vents. The difference is that there is a flap meant to keep water from entering should the kite land in the water, so you can still relaunch it from the water. Normally the flaps are kept open by the pressure of air passing along the leading edge when the kite is in flight. If the water, the internal pressure of the air in the cells keeps the flaps closed to prevent water from getting in (in theory anyway) If the kite sit in the water long enough, water will seep in, but it's not nearly the write-off, in terms of relaunching that an open cell foil would be.

Examples of closed cell kites would be the HQ Neo, Matrixx, and the Flysurfers.

Hope that help.


Drewculous - 4-8-2011 at 09:23 PM

Open cell depowers will fit your budget more too... The montana in the bigger sizes can be found for around $1k on the used or closeout sales.... I havent checked lately, but the biggies new, prolly $1300ish if memory serves

The speed 3 I mentioned is around $2500... But, holy hell... If you want float.... Nothing will touch those speeds! (the 19m is closer to $3k)

Back to the open cells...... The montanas will give you a good bang for your buck, and still give you the "unfold and go" of your blades! But look at ozone's lineup, as well as a flysurfer outlaw.... Many options in the depower open cell range... Word is peter lynn is working on a line too, but no eta yet :ticking:

Let us know which way you start to lean!

viperkid181 - 4-8-2011 at 11:22 PM

Originally posted by Drewculous
Depower the blade lol

Anyone know if this is a good/bad idea? I honestly love this kite and making it a depower sounds like a cheap way out. But I also don't want to buy some kit that wont do anything different for me. What do you guys think? Anyone actually buy one of these kits before?

Also what kind of bar should I get if I do go with the depower kit.

indigo_wolf - 5-8-2011 at 01:06 AM

Super Blade Mod

You will save yourself a whole lot of grief if you just have John at Powerzone Kite Sports do the mod for you as he has done quite a few of them.


WIllardTheGrey - 5-8-2011 at 02:39 AM

Powerzone Kite Sports:thumbup:

ragden - 5-8-2011 at 04:52 AM

If you are just flying static, a depower doesnt make a whole lot of sense. Depowers are meant to move. They will not really shine until you are fully in motion and traveling at a decent speed (something over 10mph). While static flying with one of these kites might be fun, I do not think you are going to see the performance you are expecting, nor do I think you will jump higher than your blade...

Now, if you have the room to ride a buggy, landboard, or kiteboard, that changes everything...

Bladerunner - 5-8-2011 at 06:40 AM

Ragden's advice is right on.

The only real reasons to go to a depower strictly for static flying is that it is a different way of going about it. Adjusting AOA. Nice for variable and strong wind . Not your low winds.

I get a feeling you are expecting something from depower you won't get. Big air in sub 10mph winds. Depowers are dismal for that even in motion.

For static jumping in Sub 10 wind you already have the right kites! Just master it.

If you still prefer your 10.5 to the 6.5 you definately won't benefit from depower.

Spend that kite money on a board + harness and get MOVING !!

viperkid181 - 5-8-2011 at 12:50 PM

Ight thanks for the advise.

Drewculous - 5-8-2011 at 02:49 PM

........speed 3..........



Get jumping in 5-10 winds wooooo!

Sorry, im just stoking the fire :lol:

jaymzmn - 10-8-2011 at 07:20 AM

Special order a Pansh 15m ACE. That'll keep you busy

Drewculous - 10-8-2011 at 11:50 AM
