Power Kite Forum

Started doing rotations today

Kamikuza - 11-8-2011 at 05:19 AM

A front then a back roll (or vice versa) ... was using the Speed2 19 so had to untangle the lines :lol:

Uncle Pyro did a back roll and I was like "Doood! If HE can do it, I can!" So I had a crack at it for an hour or so in the light wind ... landed a few, slammed many but cackled and woohoo'd a lot! :wee:

That's all, carry on.

No video sorry ... I did promise myself I wouldn't try it until I could use the 16m Xbow with the line mount for the GoPro but ... the wind has been so crap for so long that I've been on the SA2 almost every session ...

Drewculous - 11-8-2011 at 05:46 AM

Thats awesome kk! The best I could do lately was a 45 min lunch session the other day... The winds were so punchy tho, I couldnt really pop any jumps...

Glad youre gettin good winds, glad your spinnin lol! Cant wait for the vid!

Kamikuza - 11-8-2011 at 08:16 AM

I went to the lake at 1pm, played with the Charger 19 for an hour then got in the water ... got home at 8pm :D

Face first slams sure clean out the sinuses :lol:

... Cabrinha demo day tomorrow - hope there's wind!

PHREERIDER - 11-8-2011 at 08:16 AM

looks awesome, PHEELS great. nice K!

Kamikuza - 13-8-2011 at 07:25 AM

Yesterday ... riding with wrecked arms, I'm getting pretty good with the back rolls. Speed2 19 is SO easy to play with cos it's so slow to redirect but makes so much lift ... or HOVER-TIME ... for an hour, I got to ride on the Cabrinha demo kites and the SB and XB and Vector gave me a kicking - too fast for me to handle ... yet. Had one very interesting pendulum experience though.

Tomorrow ... hopefully some more wind to play with :)