Samm - 11-8-2011 at 01:37 PM
I'm in the need of some expertise. Now i know everyone is going to say get a 5th line. I will eventually, but right now i want to master the art of 4
line launching. I feel comfortable with the safety i have, and i go in an open clear lake.
My kites are old (but extremely good condition) 2004/2005 slingshot fuels.
Basically i go towards the kite and the back drops like it should. Then when i am trying to get the kite to the edge of the window, sometimes it likes
to completely rotate. So basically i just completely flipped the kite over itself back into the LE down position.. twisting the lines. Any advice of
what to do differently? thanks
And on a side note- I will look into getting a 5th line to one of my kites soon. Which would be more beneficiary to add it to: the 7m, the 13m, or the
17m. I was leaning towards the 17m for now.
g-force junkie - 11-8-2011 at 02:28 PM
steer the kite to the edge first, then when you move towards the kite only let it come up a little on the leading edge so you have a very small pivot
point,pull back line rotating le to the wind and up she goes
Samm - 11-8-2011 at 02:55 PM
oh ok. i thought i had to put it on its back before i moved to the side. that'll probably help with the amount im having to swim towards it LOL.
thanks ill try that out.
Kamikuza - 11-8-2011 at 04:27 PM
You might have to swim to the opposite side of the line you're pulling too ...
Samm - 11-8-2011 at 10:00 PM
cool thanks guys.
van - 12-8-2011 at 06:39 PM
I had a couple SS Fuels in the past. C kites are a pain to relaunch. Once you get to the edge of the window, it helps to not only pull on the brake
line to help it rotate but also the opposite power line. So if you are pulling on the right back line, also grab the left power line. This will help
change the shape of the C kite so it looks like a screw.
PHREERIDER - 17-8-2011 at 06:44 PM
5th line will flip it up then tease across to the edge and quick swim fro good edge position (toward the and away). soon as the kite can be roll
from top side it'll open up. this teasing involves kick swim away and to the side BEFORe it all drifts back. with just for 4lines its just more
swimming to get the kite to roll over. do it on land to see the relation ship. then you have a better idea of how much you need to swim. can be a
considerable chore
Samm - 7-11-2011 at 11:29 AM
Excellent suggestions! Thanks. I've got the right technique now.. i can get it when standing, but in deep water i'm still pretty hopeless.. just need
more practice.
Bladerunner - 7-11-2011 at 05:45 PM
I am not the master but found swimming hard to one edge as I was working the kite to the other was most effective. Trying to keep it tipped but not
falling back. Pulling in some back line then releasing just before swimming toward it helps.
Go to
I used this manual to build my own 5th line set-up . If you use an adjustable stopper you can move it to the right spot for each kite and share the
bar. Just put a proper sized leader on each kite. If your Fuels didn't have a pump anchor in the centre getting a 5th line spot sewn on only costs
about $25 - 30.
PHREERIDER - 8-11-2011 at 07:51 AM
just a added note here FUELS will reverse launch. LE down, grab WAY up on the back lines...all ready! PULL like your life depended on pops
up about 6 or so feet. release one side (the lower one ) ...and brace yourself ... instant hot launch. with out the board (water) its not gonna
not a beginner kinda move and actually need decent air like 15+.
quick and powerful with your mind in the middle. gloves ! watch your fingers!