Power Kite Forum

Action shots with Gopro

Mostly Harmless - 22-8-2011 at 06:24 PM

Hey guys, never really made a formal introduction so I figure I would do it now with some pictures, shot with my gopro in action stills mode :wee: :

Board grab, need to work on style

Look forward to participating in this site.

Kamikuza - 22-8-2011 at 07:48 PM

Nice :)

Brent_P - 23-8-2011 at 03:37 AM

Hey Great Shots!!!

What exactly are you wearing on your feet?

I have OR Booties (5mm) but they are much taller and definitly thicker than what you are wearing...

Kamikuza - 23-8-2011 at 08:28 AM

Slippers? I got some 3mm Ion Ballistic slippers ... got them for the rubbish etc on the beach but only wear them when it's just a little cold now :lol:

bobalooie57 - 23-8-2011 at 09:31 AM

Looks like he's got a set of them Vibram Five Fingers. There was a thread on those a while back.

snowspider - 23-8-2011 at 09:57 AM

The middle pic looks like tropical storm Irene with kite lines. You're not one of those hurricane flyers are you?

shehatesmyhobbies - 23-8-2011 at 10:45 AM

Nice shots and hello! Do you only kite surf?

Mostly Harmless - 23-8-2011 at 02:54 PM

Yup they are Vibram Five Fingers. The North and South shore of Long Island are very different animals. The south shore is just fine sand while the north is a lot of rocks and course sand, I purchased the shoes to deal with the north shore (which works out very well) but now I just use them all over so I don't have to change the straps on my board. Also I use them are my flip flops because they are really comfortable. They don't provide any warmth though. It's getting to that time of year that I will switch over to my 3mm booties soon (I use excel with rubber bottoms for protection).

The middle shot is a failed back roll (did land a few ones, though the gopro didn't get those).

shehatesmyhobbies-only kite surf for now.

It's nice not being a lurker anymore.

Bladerunner - 23-8-2011 at 04:44 PM

Welcome !

I'm very interested in what you are getting for a bottom end on your Zypher ? A general short review of it would be nice!

Is this kite the low wind wonder I think it is? Would it suit a smaller person on land in 4mph wind?

Mostly Harmless - 23-8-2011 at 05:47 PM

With a door and with the tide going the correct way I can use the zypher in about 12 mph worth of steady wind. I really don't think it will get off the ground in 4mph, I believe (I didn't get the wind reading) that I have flown it in about 8-10mph wind with a lot of effort (this was just flying it in the air not in the water). But when it does go it pulls like a freight train. It has been my go to kite during the summer, my summer sessions would have been cut in half with out that kite.