Power Kite Forum

Absolutely, completely random

Drewculous - 24-8-2011 at 10:12 AM

USA breaks into these factions and a war starts over control/resources and land.

Which faction would be the victor?

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indigo_wolf - 24-8-2011 at 12:28 PM

I think you need to post this up too:

Gun Ownership By State. :rolleyes:


Pulsar - 24-8-2011 at 12:45 PM

Oh i just read the options, not the question. Since the topic title said "completely random" i just thought it was not a question, just a matter of picking a random option. I took NorthWest since that's the best wind direction here :P

B-Roc - 24-8-2011 at 02:27 PM

Good poll and tough call. Advantage to the gun owner states for sure but you've also got to look at population density. If you've got lots of gun owners shooting at significantly more unarmed people, well they better be good shots because after a while shear volume of mass will win out over volume of bullets (which is why you never start a land war in China).

You've also got to figure in the composition and make up of the people in certain areas of the country and whether they are more pacifistic or state dependant or whether they have a stake in controlling the outcome and are more willing to fight.

Lastly there is geography. Some areas of the country are a lot easier to hide an individual or an army then others so they may not win but they won't be conquered either.

And is this a conventional war with hand to hand type combat or are planes and missiles and laser guided ordinances and night / heat / satellite / infrared technology and drones available to all or just some?.

All that somewhat aside I'd say the south has an advantage for gun ownership, geography, tough terrain, oil refineries to leverage and fuel vehicles and access to the ocean and military bases in the region and a history of turning out some of our best soldiers.

Of course if some dude in CO has access to the nukes and the ability to guide them, all bets are off.

shehatesmyhobbies - 24-8-2011 at 02:36 PM

Without even looking at the gun ownership list, I say Texas portion of the U.S. They all have guns!, Of course it could be a toss up with the midwest states as well! :lol:, I'm going to move to Montana and avoid the whole mess!

Drewculous - 24-8-2011 at 03:05 PM

I gotta vote midwest outta pride lol! We have pretty lax gun laws, and some tough as nails guys out here.... Also within 100miles, access to nuke silos and oil...... Not saying I could use said nukes... But being able to disable them would be enough to take the steam out of the coasts that could control them....

As far as survivability, id have to say northwest tho... Good resources, and generally very skilled in outdoor activities... Hunting, fishing, etc... Plus some of the more difficult terrain to master in the lower 48..... N.e. has good chowder tho :lol:

van - 24-8-2011 at 03:30 PM

It doesn't matter who has the most guns .. Texas has the biggest!! :singing: haha..

ripsessionkites - 24-8-2011 at 04:42 PM

if war starts out I'm heading to Dino's house. just saw bits and pieces of his GUN collection. my familia will be safe there. Southwest.

BeamerBob - 24-8-2011 at 05:16 PM

Rip, you'd have to follow Dino to Alabama which is where he would go when California told him to "turn them all in, the state will take care of you". I was surprised at the guns per state chart. It is from 2001 and not empirical or scientific though.

Leojim - 24-8-2011 at 09:42 PM

Go NW!!! Texas may be big and...big, but we got guns (except for the wimpy wet side of the state - sorry Seattle guys), lots of natural resources to live on plus many places to hide! There ain't any hiding places in the south.
Would NOT want to be in "The District". 3.8% gun ownership! I assume that's LEGAL gun ownership. All the criminals have guns and there are plenty of them around. Wouldn't have to worry about DC since they would just kill each other LOL.
Drew, you sure are a bit touched with your wild and crazy posts...never know what you will come up with next!!

Drewculous - 25-8-2011 at 06:52 AM


chaos is good! Keeps everyone on their toes...

I frequent some odd places on the internet, and every once in a while some topics would cross the gap really well, in different ways..... :spin:

Hardrock - 26-8-2011 at 01:33 AM

There's no question about it. South East.

90 percent around here still want to fight the civil war. People make a killing selling rebel flags.

The ones that did fight thought the North was coming after their women, when they found out otherwise they just quit. Ha

Honestly tho, these people wouldn't like anything better than to start it back up today. They just can't let it go. For some reason I'm a little anti fed gov myself, guess thats different tho.