Power Kite Forum

How to convince the wife to let me buy a land sailor?

Minshall - 24-8-2011 at 12:34 PM


WELDNGOD - 24-8-2011 at 12:49 PM

Do you have life insurance? The allure of a big check when you kill yourself(not that you would,but she don't know that!),might make her want ya to get one..... J/K! :lol:

WELDNGOD - 24-8-2011 at 12:52 PM

better to beg forgiveness, than ask permission....... You ain't got a hair......If ya don't just do it!;-)

ripsessionkites - 24-8-2011 at 12:54 PM

in adam's buttpug case

let her get into one too = you'll be buying her one as well.

WELDNGOD - 24-8-2011 at 12:55 PM

or that!:embarrased:

indigo_wolf - 24-8-2011 at 01:51 PM

Convince her you will mostly be using it to commute to work ("Honey, think of the money we will save in gas."). :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


"Honey, when the earthquakes cause all the gas stations to close, we'll still be mobile." :thumbup:

"Honey, there's a rumour that Kamikuza is stockpiling these in a secret warehouse for some nefarious plan. We can't let him corner the market.... It's un-American." (If you could arrange for the "Star Spangled Banner" to be quietly playing from another room, that would help a lot.)


shehatesmyhobbies - 24-8-2011 at 02:33 PM

+1 for Rips Idea! Yeah promise to show her how to ride! Once she gets in it, you will have to order another one!

Sam, way to funny with the Kami reference! Goofball is probably the one helping him with the stash! :lol:

All in jest of course!

awindofchange - 24-8-2011 at 02:43 PM

Just book a trip up here to Vegas, my wife will take her out on her sailor (formerly mine) and once she has the time of her life, you won't have to ask, she'll be telling you what color she wants on her sail. :) :) :)

Minshall - 24-8-2011 at 03:21 PM

I don't think I can get her to try on unless I own one. She isn't going to be willing to pack up the kids and go on a 8 hours trip to LV. However, I do think if she tries one she will love it. Wish me luck as start trying to wear her down tonight. Thanks

BTW this is the one I am thinking about getting. Cheap and fits in my car.


bigkid - 24-8-2011 at 05:13 PM

Tell your wife if you get a Blokart, it is one of the, if not the safest landsailor made. You buy one and then get a second and set it up as a Duece ride and she will love it. I sell more to women than men, :crazy:
By the way, it fits in the back of the trunk in its own bag.

Cerebite - 26-8-2011 at 05:05 PM

As a member of the US Navy who lives in Colorado my mind went in a different direction with that title LOL [no not a SeaBee, they are Dirt Sailors :wee:]

Let me tell you the thread reads VERY differently from that perspective :shocked2::smilegrin:

Minshall - 26-8-2011 at 05:08 PM

Won!!!! Gets here Tuesday!

bobalooie57 - 26-8-2011 at 05:22 PM

Great! When is she gonna let you ride it? :evil: :singing:

BeamerBob - 26-8-2011 at 05:27 PM

Originally posted by WELDNGOD
better to beg forgiveness, than ask permission....... You ain't got a hair......If ya don't just do it!;-)

I read the text and said to myself "that has to be Weldngod" I looked over and guess what I saw! WG, we must be cousins or something. We have a bond somehow.

BeamerBob - 26-8-2011 at 05:30 PM

Originally posted by Cerebite
As a member of the US Navy who lives in Colorado my mind went in a different direction with that title LOL [no not a SeaBee, they are Dirt Sailors :wee:]

Let me tell you the thread reads VERY differently from that perspective :shocked2::smilegrin:

I have to admit, my tendencies to be a grammar and spelling police, had me wondering why this guy would want to get someone from the Navy! Better outcome in all respects.

Minshall - 26-8-2011 at 05:31 PM

Getting the time to ride it is easy. If I can get leave I will be going to the Buggy Boogie Fall Thang(with no kids or wife), where I will use it as a land sailer and kite buggy(if it works). RUMSPRINGA!!!!!

jellis - 26-8-2011 at 08:28 PM

Get two BloKarts, one for you and one for her.