cosmo - 28-8-2011 at 04:04 PM
Hi all. I finally got a chance to use my new 2011 (11m) frenzy. It keeps diving forward and falling down . I tried putting 2 inch and then 4 inch
pigtails on the front lines, but it helped little if any. I am afraid to fly it on the beach now if there are any people for fear it will suddenly
fall on them. Anyone else have this problem? My 2010 (7m) frenzy does not do this at all and I love it.
shaggs2riches - 28-8-2011 at 04:17 PM
check your line lengths make sure that is okay. See if you can get a bridle layout and measure everything. Make sure that there are no twists in the
bridle that might be causing this. Tough to tell without a video for reference.
Bladerunner - 28-8-2011 at 04:46 PM
I think you are describing overflying ?
I would try shortening my back lines ?
You are flying on a harness? Pull the bar in or turn the kite well before this happens. If you are flying unhooked then let the strap out more.
g-force junkie - 28-8-2011 at 06:14 PM
Lengthening fronts shortens rears, just make sure you have slack in the rear lines when sheeted out and the frenzy will fly on fronts only, sounds
like to me you have your bar backwards which will cause the kite to instantly invert and crash.
cosmo - 28-8-2011 at 09:14 PM
Thanks for the quick replies!
Shags: I will try to get a bridal layout.
Blade: It does act like overflying, but it happens even when I am beating upwind steeply or just hovering it overhead. I am using a harness. I can't
rely on predicting overflying by turning the kite or sheeting in "in time" because I frequently spin the bar and have no control as I do.
g-force: The bar isn't backwards for sure. The kite doesn't instantly invert, only does at the edge of the window, but suddenly and without warning.
all: I have flown it for hours and it flies normally, except for the sudden unexpected diving (overflying).
macboy - 28-8-2011 at 10:09 PM
Is it a lull perhaps? I know in our winds that go from zero to hero in a blink I see a good share of kite top sides. Maybe the reason the 7 doesn't do
it is because that's out in higher winds when the lulls aren't as bottomed out?
DAKITEZ - 28-8-2011 at 10:36 PM
what bar are you using?
cosmo - 29-8-2011 at 10:09 AM
macboy: You very well may be right. Usually it happens in very light and/or unsteady wind. I am usually ok in stronger wind, but even then sometimes
it does it when I am cruizing upwind with the bar out (probably got backwinded by an errant gust). To keep it from collapsing, I immediatly pull the
bar in which causes the kite to pop back up quite hard; so to correct for that I let the bar out which causes the kite to dive or almost dive again.
It makes for an unnerving (especially around rocks or people) resonant pattern similar to speed wobbles. In any case my '10 7m NEVER does this. I
think maybe the "improved" '11 design with the 3 pulleys, merged front lines, etc has moved the (angle of attack) pivot point closer to the kite and
thus made it easier to backwind.
dakitez: I am using the new megatron bar.
Anyone have a fairly new '10 11m frenzy they want to trade for my '11 11m? It is a great kite. I just prefer the way the '10 handles since that is
what I am used to.
DAKITEZ - 29-8-2011 at 10:40 AM
I fly the new '11 9m and 13m frenzies and have not had issues with this. If I am in gusty wind it will want to surge but once I pull in the bar it
calms down instantly. I was actually thinking how amazingly stable this kite was compared to its AR.
Are you flying in a new location than you have previously? My first flight with my 9m I was flying in a different spot than I normally do. I was on
the same field but at the other end. I would be flying along fine then all of a sudden in this one spot it would just snap closed and fall. I
struggled with it for about 30 minutes till Flexiblade showed up. He was laughing at me and giving me a hard time. He launched an arc and headed right
at me ... as soon as he reached me his arc did the same thing As strange as it
was we hit some sort of weird wind pocket. Since then I have avoided that spot and have had no issues.
cosmo - 29-8-2011 at 06:38 PM
Dakitez: No, same beach I've put thousands of miles on over 3 years. Do you have any 2010 frenzies left for sale?
djinnzfree - 30-8-2011 at 12:41 PM
Got a 2011 frenzy 9mē
release the trim... could help you... bahh you know how it's working... :cool2:
I ride on ski and buggy without any problem.
cosmo - 30-8-2011 at 07:48 PM
djinnzfree: trim is all the way out.
shaggs2riches - 30-8-2011 at 09:51 PM
Have you anyway to get us some footage of the kite doing this????? Just asking cause maybe we might have a better chance at giving you a remedy if we
got to see it doing it. One thought is if you registered the kite when you got it you will have a warranty if its not too late send it in for a
checkup from Ozone. Just a thought.
awindofchange - 31-8-2011 at 12:58 AM
If you purchased the kite from an authorized dealer, they should be able to swap the kite out for you at no charge and send your kite back to Ozone
for examination. It shouldn't be doing this at all. The 11m Frenzy it super stable and we haven't had any issues with them at all except for the
gusty/shifty wind conditions as listed above, but it still recovers very easily and is super stable.
cosmo - 31-8-2011 at 08:20 AM
Hi Kent. It's Doug from Cayucos. I got it from you, so glad to hear you say that. I will give it another test and if it still does it, I would like to
take you up on your offer of a swap. Thanks mucho!
awindofchange - 31-8-2011 at 01:11 PM
Give it a good run and play with the line settings to see if it is an adjustment problem. If not then ship it on back to me and I will get you a new
No worries on getting you a replacement if needed, Ozone is an awesome company that stands behind their product 100% which is one of the main reasons
I have been proud to carry their gear. If it is a kite issue, this will be only the second kite in 10 years of selling Ozone products that needed to
be replaced. A true testament to the quality of Ozone kites.
cosmo - 31-8-2011 at 10:35 PM
Ok, so I went out late afternoon today in a breeze so light I could barely feel it on my cheek and the kite performed very well with only about 3
collapses in almost 2 hours. I think it was mostly crazy erratic turbulence before. There was a thick layer of fog on the water that burned off right
at the beach which was pretty hot, so I think that caused some gnarly thermal vortexes. Still, the kite is very sensitive and if the wind is very
light and/or turbulent it requires a vigilant eye near the edge of the window in order to instantly correct any sudden collapse. I realized also that
I have to be careful when I spin the bar (to unwind after a loop)...I can't just throw it out and spin it (if the wind is light), I have to let it out
slowly and spin it quickly then grab it and pull back in some so it doesn't collapse. If I just let it out suddenly it tends to shoot past the window
and/or exceed the angle of attack collapse threshold and may collapse. (My '10 7m definitely does not do this ever... I can throw the bar out and spin
anytime with no fear of collapse, as it fiies way into the edge of the window) Does this sound normal to you '11 frenzy owners? Dakitz? DJinnsfree?
Macboy? Kent? I guess I could try moving the stopper ball down to prevent the bar from going so far out, but then I would loose some valuable depower
in high wind and it seems that I shouldn't have to do this.
DAKITEZ - 1-9-2011 at 07:34 AM
I do not have this problem ... but I also have not flown in this light of wind. Anything under 8-10 mph I do not even bother to take the kites out of
the bag. It just seems very strange to me the kite would shoot forward that quick in those light wind conditions. I would say you have it trimmed in
too far, but from your earlier posts it sounds like this is not the case. I would need to fly it or see a video to try and help any further.