Power Kite Forum

Pansh blaze

roytheboy - 5-3-2006 at 01:23 PM

Thought I would tell you all about this gem of a website panshkite.com They are a power kite manufacturer based in China. I know what you are thinking, but these guys know their stuff and make fantastic power kites at low prices. I have had my 3 metre Blaze now for two weeks. I had an initial problem as the flying lines were out by one metre!!! so had to shorten one. That said the kite was supplied with 25 metre Dyneema lines, which are not cheap. The kite has the last three cells on each end closed. This thing has a load of pull. I have asked them a few questions by e mail and they have responded to each one on the same day. All this for under £60 which includes express postage. They used TNT for mine and it arrived within five days of purchase. The web site is new and as such they are selling the kites for a discounted price. The prices no doubt will rise but when they do they will still be lower than most. I was so impressed with mine that I am writing this. Don't listen to me!! Check out the web site and watch the video. Let me know.


SecondWind - 5-3-2006 at 03:01 PM

Post some pictures when you get a chance. Did it come with handles or a bar?

jonesing4wind - 5-3-2006 at 08:13 PM

The price is quite appealing!! Vids look good... whats the catch?



roytheboy - 6-3-2006 at 12:36 AM

No catch. I was their first customer. You are looking at a brand new site. The kite is first class. And yes comes with handles.

Scoopy - 6-3-2006 at 12:29 PM

Im pretty sceptical (cant spell) All 3 videos I watched, there were luffing problems at the window's edge. Maybe not complete luffs, but definitely tip curl problems. Also Im wondering about quality. Seeing that they shipped a lineset that was a meter out. Wonder what else they may let slip.

I would like to fly one.


roytheboy - 6-3-2006 at 02:40 PM

Don't worry about the quality, it is very good and the lines were easily adjusted. Scoopy you are clearly more experienced than I, and if you didn't live on the other side of the pond I would let you fly mine. I am happy with it.

roytheboy - 7-3-2006 at 04:02 PM

It has now been in the hands of experienced flyers and they have all been very impressed with this kite. The key thing to remember here is the price. Scoopy I think you should buy one. For no other reason than your opinion.

Scoopy - 7-3-2006 at 06:46 PM

I dont knock anything till I try it. Im just going on what I saw on the vids, and what you said about the lines. I will probably look into them sometime, but money's tight right now. :) It happens


SecondWind - 8-3-2006 at 06:54 AM


Can you post or send me some close up pictures of your kite.

And, what kite does it compare to in terms of lift?

roytheboy - 8-3-2006 at 08:50 AM

Sure thing. It has been raining the last couple of days. But when I get it out next I will. As to what it compares to I have to take my friends word as they are the experienced flyers. I have moved onto power kites from 2 line stunt kites so am new at this type of flying. I am told that it is on par with the eolo Radsail 3metre. Hope that helps. It hasn't picked me up yet but I am still in light winds, but I am no waif and lift weights 3 times a week and even in light winds it is pulling like a train. I will post some close ups soon. If you are used to paying big money for kites and are happy to do so then perhaps this won't be the kite for you, but the Pansh is no cheap and nasty kite (I started on those).

roytheboy - 13-3-2006 at 12:43 PM

Anyone tell me how to post photos on this forum. Cheers!

SecondWind - 14-3-2006 at 06:35 AM

I upload my pictures to photobucket.com (free) and then just insert the address under the "Insert an Image" tab on the full reply form.

This should do the trick.

pkf - 14-3-2006 at 09:20 AM

To add attachments, first click the "post reply" button (rather than using the quick reply form), and then use the browse button where it says "Attachment:". This is the preferred method for posting images on PKF.

If you do as suggested in the previous post and reference the image url from another source, please make sure that the image is not larger than 600px wide to avoid distorting the forum tables like happend here:

roytheboy - 19-3-2006 at 12:32 PM

Davinch. Not forgotten about pics. Will post soon.

THEFIFTHELEMENT - 20-3-2006 at 08:09 PM

I also am looking forward to some pics of this kite. the videos on their site son't show much power being generated as the pilot isn't being pulled around too much by the 5m. I have emailed them some questions and when I get replies I will post them here for everyone.

roytheboy - 21-3-2006 at 12:11 PM

I have the 3 metre and it is making me run around. I am not a light bloke and I struggle with it. Yes I am new at power kites but be assured, it has plenty of power. It even lifted me today, not high thankfully as I am not ready for that yet, but I got air all the same


roytheboy - 21-3-2006 at 12:17 PM

struggling here

March 2006 018.jpg - 80kB

SecondWind - 21-3-2006 at 12:51 PM

What's the small line connecting the top and bottom lines for?

THEFIFTHELEMENT - 21-3-2006 at 03:09 PM

the kites on the Pansh site under the previews tab are way different to the Blaze model and are made of different material so it says. I have not yet heard back from them in regards to the qeustions I e-mailed them. wish the site was more detailed. What is the warranty ? Is there one? repair? linesets

roytheboy - 21-3-2006 at 04:43 PM

Davinch. There is no line connecting the flying and brake lines. I had to shorten the line and did not have a knife with me to trim the excess. Keep forgetting the knife when I go flying.

roytheboy - 21-3-2006 at 04:51 PM

ELEMENT. Post your questions in the guest book. I'm sure they willanswer them.

THEFIFTHELEMENT - 22-3-2006 at 01:35 PM

I did just that and have not heard a thing on the email or on their guestbook and I posted on there on Sunday and sent a email on monday. do you have to be registered onthe site to be taken serious?

roytheboy - 22-3-2006 at 03:28 PM

Can't answer that one. They were always good with me.

THEFIFTHELEMENT - 23-3-2006 at 03:53 PM

still no reply from them yet.

they took one of the preview kites off of the website today...... hhmmmm:puzzled:

Aussieflyer - 26-3-2006 at 02:27 AM

Roy, did you have any problems with credit card payment. I have tried several times to buy & each time the payment fails. Its frustrating.

roytheboy - 26-3-2006 at 06:58 AM

Yes I did. I got the payment fails a few times too. Infact I helped them set up a test purchase to sort the problem out. Mine eventualy went through and the problem was sorted. However this is clearly not the case. I was looking at their guest book and other people have had this problem. It seems to be a bad link up to their system. Try leaving a message on their guest book. Failing that I have a direct email address (which I can't give out on the forum) to the owner of the company. He is keen to sort out any problems and is very aware of the payment failed prob.

THEFIFTHELEMENT - 26-3-2006 at 07:36 AM

I have posted on the guestbook and have sent them 2 emails from different email servers. My post on the guestbook is not on the site and I have not had a reply to any of the emails. I have not tried to make a purchase yet as I wanted some more information and was waiting for the replies to the emails and also the reviews and pics from those who have already got one and flown it.

Fireball - 26-3-2006 at 07:59 AM

Sounds like way to many problems already for me. I would buy a good kite from an established kite dealer and not worry about it. But Hey Thats just my opinion and everyone knows what opinions are like. :frog:

Tigger - 26-3-2006 at 09:58 AM

I agree with Fireball 100%!
That makes at least two with the same opinion.

THEFIFTHELEMENT - 27-3-2006 at 05:09 AM

From the Flexi forum:

How do you like that Blaze? Any thoughts. what would you compare it to as far as power,lift speed ...etc.

What size did you get?

thanks, thefifth[/QUOTE]

Hi 5th
I have a 3m and a 8.5m realy nice kites well made modern design, small triangle air intakes tucked under the leading edge gives a nice smooth airfoil, kite inflates quickly and holds its shape. Handles like a race kite but very rare for it to luff. Even the 8.5 turns sharp and quick, very stable not that much lift good for buggy use, a 5m would be good for a beginner on a mountain board.

windeaze - 4-4-2006 at 06:41 AM

has anybody else managed to order one yet.i'm having trouble too trying to order one any help would be greatfull

lrusso15912 - 6-4-2006 at 05:39 PM

Question....Does price out-weigh customer service? Just looking at the guest book says there might be a reason the kites are so cheap. I for one would have to agree with fireball (That makes 3). New dosen't mean better. Glad that Roy had a good experiance with them, but has anyone else?:puzzled:

THEFIFTHELEMENT - 6-4-2006 at 06:11 PM

Several on the Racekites forum they have pics and a review

THEFIFTHELEMENT - 8-4-2006 at 03:39 PM

read on the flexi forum as several more people have recieved them and are happy!

SecondWind - 8-4-2006 at 06:47 PM

Did you order one yet Element?

I was thinking of getting a big ol' bear but I found a good deal on a 10.5 Blade from a member here.

THEFIFTHELEMENT - 9-4-2006 at 07:09 AM

still unable to make a purchase on the site. but they are going to put a new payment service on there so it will go through.

Some people onthe Racekites.com forums has posted pics and is doing a review of the 8.5m.

roytheboy - 9-4-2006 at 02:54 PM

If you look at the FAQ on the Pansh web site it goes into detail on the problems of purchasing and what they are trying to do to sort it out. As the Fith says the main thing they are doing is getting a new payment service. Having followed them closely and seen all the problems, it seems that it is just luck of the draw at the moment as to whether the payment goes through or not. I have my suspicions that it depends on what credit card you are using too. By the way I appologise to people that have sent me a one2one message, I have only just figured out that I have messages:rolleyes:

mash-in - 28-4-2006 at 09:00 AM

Just ordered my 12.5 blaze, Payment was not to bad, didnt want to take MC, but visa went right through. Anxiously waiting.. great customer service from pansh once you register and order. Should be here by cinco de mayo. will keep advised for everyone to see.

SecondWind - 28-4-2006 at 11:27 AM

Let us know how it goes mash-in.

Someone just sold an 8.5 Blaze for $275 on ebay! You can probably sell it and make some $$ even if it sucks...

10m Blazw

Boughen - 28-5-2006 at 01:18 AM

My 10m Pansh Blaze arrived on Friday.

Unpacking the kite I immediately discarded the lines (rope) and handles the kite comes with. I fitted some lines from an older kite and added some Flexi handles

When the rain stopped I headed off to my local site and waited for the wind to drop down to about 12mph.

The build quality was quite surprising for a £110 kite. All stitching is well done and everything looks to be where it should.

The first fly was pleasing. The kite doesnt have a huge amount of lift but provides a very solid platform for jumping. When brought down low the pull kicks in and gives constant traction.

The 10m Blaze turns steadily and slowly so you have to be on your toes.

Note: I eventually paid using a wire transfer because the credit card payments wouldn't work. This cost me slightly more but I think the kite is still worth it.

closeup.gif - 115kB

davidb - 14-6-2006 at 09:01 PM

I used a Vise gift card here in the USA.

barnes - 15-8-2006 at 12:31 PM

I own a 3m Legend. Its my first power kite, but its amazing. It is very easy to fly, a few random people intrested in the kite on the beach could fly it.

My issues are: Yes, payment is a bit rough, but your paying your local currency for something in chinese currency, so theres alot of strage conversions and all that stuff to go through, but internatiol visa card, or gift cards as david said should work fine.

Also, the kite came with zero instructions on how to line it up. I kinda just guessed aand got lucky. Though for all I know it could be wrong.

The Legend is awesome. Nearly zero lift, but plenty of pull. Perfect beiginner kite. I regret buying the Legend though because my experince with stunt kites made mastering the kite a 3 day process. Now I want something with lift.

I'm going to invest in one of the larger Blazes I think. I suppose the 12.5 meter, I mean if I bought the 10 meter, its only another 10 bucks to get another 2.5 meters. I need a low wind kite with alot of lift anways for Snowkiting.

Very excited. I'm so happy I found this hobby. Though I am pretty much the only one who does such a thing around these parts. Its a shame, I wish I had flying buddies. Maybe I can talk some friends into coming flying with me once I get me 12.5 that will fly in the low winds I get in this town.

Anyone else fly in Pennsylvania? (I'm in suburbs of Philly. Really a nice place, take the train to the city for concerts for 5 bucks, its awesome.)

Gronniger - 20-2-2007 at 12:32 PM

I couldn't get any of the videos to work, all gave a 404 error. The prices are really, really tempting.

Kiteboarder2B - 20-2-2007 at 07:07 PM

I'll say!!!!

stevep - 21-2-2007 at 04:02 PM

i saw these kites on ebay awile ago and bid on them but never seemed to win one they have been selling on ebay about ayear or so asked ? to seller never got an response would like to try before i buy though

WolfWolfee - 22-2-2007 at 06:53 PM

I also have a 3M Legend, this is a great kite regardless of the money.
It behaves nicely and takes a pretty good gust, and loves to pull a buggy all day.
I was actually amazed at how it ran out front on the buggy.
The ordering process has been resolved and shipping was great, four days to Canada at my front door.
The Blaze will give you more lift, but don't fool yourself the Legend can give you some good lift.


Dagon - 7-5-2007 at 08:48 AM

great prices, anyone try thier depowerable, the blaze II?

ratindahat - 7-5-2007 at 02:55 PM

I am wondering about the blaze II as well.

khooke - 7-5-2007 at 07:02 PM

I gave in to the lure of the incredible cheap prices and went the whole way and ordered the 12.5m for those low wind summer days...

It's currently doing a Pacific flight marathon and flying back and forth between Hong Kong and Los Angeles... the online tracking info said there was a 'routing error'... if and when it finally turns up I'll let you guys know what it's like...

khooke - 7-5-2007 at 07:05 PM

By the way, it was the Blaze 1 I ordered since I'm not that interested in depowerable, although I understand the build quality on the Blale IIs is supposed to be a step up from the Is.

khooke - 8-5-2007 at 07:11 PM

ok, so it turned up today. 12.5m is the largest thing I have ever seen... this thing is an absolute monster!

Had it unrolled on the floor in the house and it takes up and entire room. The thing that was worrying me the most was the reviews of people saying the build quality was substandard, or not as good as the 'big name' brands... but you know what... having a quick look at the stitching and the seams, this thing looks pretty well made if you ask me. I'll do a side by side comparision with something like my PKD at some point, but you know what... I don't have any concerns at this point - it looks pretty well made if you ask me.

The only thing that stands out is the bridle lines are made of a thinner version of the line supplied, with looks like thick cotton string. Not something I've seen before as kite line. But hey, it's a bonus that it came with line and handles - I'll most likely use my Ozone line set, but it's good to have a spare line set.

The truth will be in the flying... so hopefully this evening at around 6-8mph won't be too much for this big guy... this is one hell of a big kite... :-)

ratindahat - 8-5-2007 at 07:25 PM

Keep us posted. I am defiently interested in your impressions of it.


khooke - 20-5-2007 at 11:17 PM

I added a review in the review section and just uploaded a few pictures.

Legend or Ace?

dondabao - 10-6-2007 at 08:04 PM

Has anyone tried a 5m Ace? i'm contemplating to buy either a Legend 5.5m or an Ace 5m. Because this two almost have the same dimension, but differs in structure. Hoping to get an advice as to which kite can give me a greater lift. Best regards.


khooke - 10-6-2007 at 10:35 PM

From the reviews and comments on www.racekites.com forum, definitely go for the Ace - it's been designed for lift. The Legend probably has next to no lift in comparison. That said, the Ace is not a beginners kite - if this is your first kite I'd recommend getting something like the Legend first until you get the hang of things...

Blaze 7m and Ace 5m

dondabao - 11-6-2007 at 02:48 AM

Thanks for the prompt response sir. Now, at this point its the blaze 7m and Ace 5m that ill be considering to buy tomorrow. Obviously, its the blaze 7m which could create more power because of its greater size but can the Ace 5m level the lifting capability of the 7m blaze? Many Thanks.

Power kite afficionado.

Blaze 7, or Ace 5m

dondabao - 11-6-2007 at 03:00 AM

Thanks for the prompt response sir. Now, at this point its the blaze 7m and Ace 5m that ill be considering to buy tomorrow. Obviously, its the blaze 7m which could create more power because of its greater size but can the Ace 5m level the lifting capability of the 7m blaze since the ace 5m has an aspect ratio 0f 4.53, much greater compared to blaze having an AR of 3.2? Many Thanks.

Power kite afficionado.

GulfSandEater - 13-7-2007 at 03:44 PM

Greetings all! I'm new to the site and new to quad line power kiting. At these prices I'm definitely looking to pick up a Pansh soon.

One question...have any of you tried the lines (a.k.a rope) that these come with? This would be my first quad kite so I won't have another line set to try.

The Pansh website says that as of June 2007, the Ace is being shipped with a new version of the lines / controls. I'm hoping they've listened to the reviews and have improved the lines for all kites.

ratindahat - 13-7-2007 at 04:44 PM

One of the guys on race kites mentioned that they are much better and usable now.

GulfSandEater - 14-7-2007 at 02:31 PM

Thanks, ratindahat. I'm trying to order a Legend, but am also having difficulty getting the VISA checkout to work. :(

By the way, the correct link to Pansh videos is panshkite.com/video/

EDIT: I cancelled my order and tried again using the second VISA / MASTERCARD payment option instead of the first which may have been only for Chinese VISA in Yuan.

khooke - 18-7-2007 at 08:05 PM

I absolutely love the 12.5m Blaze I bought a few weeks back. It's so big its a whole new approach (for me anyway) to flying power kites, and gives awesome pull in less than 10mph, enough to feel well overpowered around the 10mph mark.

Flys good and steady, although because of its size takes a lot of brake input to get it to turn.

Re. the lines - they look like rope. I've kept mine as spare and use the Ozone lines I already had.

ratindahat - 18-7-2007 at 10:43 PM

My next kite after my 8m ace comes in is going to be a 12.5m blaze I. Our winds here are great when they are here, but it seems like lately it has been in the 5-10 range so i think the 12.5 would fit the bill.

GulfSandEater - 19-7-2007 at 08:03 AM

My 3.0 Pansh Legend came in this week after only 3 days shipping to Texas. Everything looks fine to me. It came with the bridles larksheaded down near the foil--presumably to minimize tangling during shipping. I still need to stake the control lines and check their relative lengths and also label or colorcode the left controls from the right. I wonder if I can't just use a permanant marker to color the lines. What do you think?

khooke, thanks for your review on the 12.5m by the way. It was very helpful in deciding to go with Pansh. Once I learn how to fly the smaller kites, I can see getting a 12.5m as well, since our prevailing winds around Houston are typically 5-10 mph...well, except during the tropical storms and hurricanes O_o !!! :wow:

<crosses fingers for good weather this weekend>

Taper123 - 19-7-2007 at 08:39 AM

Originally posted by GulfSandEater
Once I learn how to fly the smaller kites, I can see getting a 12.5m as well, since our prevailing winds around Houston are typically 5-10 mph...well, except during the tropical storms and hurricanes O_o !!! :wow:

<crosses fingers for good weather this weekend>

If the weather's decent.. I'll be making a run to San Luis pass sunday... I've got some new toys to try out as well :thumbup: Then the following weekend... nothing like a full moon, a couple of glowsticks in the kite, and a mountainboard... :lol: Saturday might go fly some with the local kite group at the spillway park in Bacliff.

ratindahat - 19-7-2007 at 09:14 AM

i didn't think about putting a couple of glowsticks in the kite for the evening runs. I was gonna rig up some little leds for the edges, but i think glowstick would be easier.

Thanks for the idea.

GulfSandEater - 23-7-2007 at 08:08 AM

I flew the Legend 3.0 this weekend at San Luis Pass (Galveston) with Taper123 looking on! It flew well, and I'm stoked! I'll post more over on my Pansh kite setup post. Big WOOT from SandEater! :thumbup::thumbup:


kitemaker4 - 23-7-2007 at 09:55 AM

Hey Sandeater

Is the pass in good condition. I have not made a trip to Galveston since May. Is the beach real crowded with people on the weekend.


Taper123 - 23-7-2007 at 11:44 AM

It was not in bad shape... Always people there on the weekend, but not to crowded. All the little trails and things back in the dunes are still underwater... and a few washouts (ie: bumps and dropoffs) to watch out for, but other than the usual idiots that do donuts in the sand... in good shape and the past couple of weekends have had enough room to buggy.

GulfSandEater - 23-7-2007 at 01:29 PM

Ooops...SandEater <---- Idiot. I did a donut in the sand <blush> :o

What Taper said. Beach Access 41 (I think that's the one) is pretty washed out with some huge potholes. I was glad I had my AWD SUV. I saw a Ford Mustang and some luxury sedan trying to navigate the access with painful success (or lack thereof). But the beach was wide, and few people were on the sand away from the water's edge...nice for kiting.

You just have to be watchful for crazies like Taper with his buggy and 8m! LOL j/k

kitemaker4 - 23-7-2007 at 02:16 PM

Thanks for the report guys.


logantheninja - 17-1-2009 at 04:28 PM
