j0fer - 7-9-2011 at 06:12 AM
Since the Prism Tensor is specifically designed with a bridle that can be manually adjusted to change the angle of attack, I wonder if I can rig up
something to do this 'on the fly' (pardon the pun).
Not because I'm trying to create a poor man's depower, I have the Venom 19m in the mail. Basically just because I like screwing with stuff...coming up
with engineering solutions.
Drewculous - 7-9-2011 at 06:24 AM
In theory yes.... But a 4.2 m depower would be a epic high wind kite, my apex is a 5m depower.... And I dont know its top end lol
So, ya, you can, but you'll lose power
cheezycheese - 7-9-2011 at 07:04 AM
Herc had posted his attempts at this a few months ago... i believe he was sucsessful... :puzzled: