Power Kite Forum

Starting out Land boarding with a Blade II

iheartpie - 7-9-2011 at 10:15 AM

Hi all,

I'm new to the community, so hi!

Looking for a little advice for land boarding.

I picked up a used 3.3m Blade II a while back and have been enjoying it immensely. But I'm on the cusp of moving into board territory and wondered if I'd be better suited to a different kite.

I'm fully aware that Blades are awesome and I know their ups and downs. My question is however, is a Blade II (pretty old model) better than picking up something like a Rage or Flow new? If it were a Blade IV or V I wouldn't even need to ask the question, but without flying some of the newer models I'm not sure if I'm missing anything. I use the Rage and Flow as examples as that's the kind of price I'd be willing to pay to replace the Blade (at the moment).

Will it hinder my learning? Or be just fine? Naturally if I don't need to spend money on a new kite for a while that's better for me. I'd personally rather get to grips with the board and move up to depower when I can justify it.

Advice welcome!


Drewculous - 7-9-2011 at 10:26 AM

Keep your blade for the higher wind days, and either grab a bigger blade to keep going.... Or jump into a depower!

I atb with both, and both are good... Skip the newer low lift kites tho, all you can really do is mow the grass with em.... Vip?

iheartpie - 7-9-2011 at 11:50 AM

Cheers, I expected as much but thought I best check.

Out of interest what would you classify as a high wind day?

Where I live and fly its normally between 10-20. Past few days it's been a min. of 20 with gusts up to 50: I'd be cautious even taking my 1.2m Sting out :p

Drewculous - 7-9-2011 at 11:58 AM

high wind is relative...... 40+ is high for me

Mougls woman, well anything over 15 is getting pretty epic!
I watched her get lofted on a depower 5m in 15mph winds... Its a combo of skill, weight, and juevos

iheartpie - 7-9-2011 at 12:10 PM

Heh - I'm pretty light so get dragged around easily.

But as long as the antiquated design won't impact anything I'm happy with the power it puts out; I imagine it'll make a big difference once I start moving around as well.

Happen to know how the II handles compared to the newer models? More out of interest than anything.

Drewculous - 7-9-2011 at 02:39 PM

lol better

they will generally be more stable, turn tighter, and be a more well rounded kite... as well as be new... this means no iffy lines, or stretched bridals, no normal wear and tear... i have the newest blade out there and its a riot.... but there are still a TON of people that swear by the older blades....

if you update... you will trade off some stuff for other stuff... less lift, more stability for example

like i said tho, these are always general improvements to kites, and not blade specific.

there are a tons of peeps flying blades in the uk, go to any beach with kites in the air, and i bet you find a pile of flexi kites with owners willing to let you take them for a spin! Then you campare and tell me whats up! LOL!

Any pics/vids? Kite pr0n is always welcome!

iheartpie - 7-9-2011 at 02:59 PM

Haven't taken my camera out with me yet, will make sure I do next time! Everyone likes to look awesome taming the skies.

I definitely will; I mostly fly on a massive grass area literally a couple minutes from my house, it's set just back from the beach… but it's a stone beach ;) Saw a guy out with a Blade III the other day but I certainly will keep my eyes peeled. That was during the Kite Festival so things were a little crowded and this was a bigger Blade - children might have died.