Originally posted by Lack-O-Slack
Those who know me, know I'm a sociable guy, and I love the buggytown crowd... especially since this group saved my <b>***</b>,
financially, when I was ticketed for buggying on the beach and had to retain a lawyer to fight the charges. I can't ever thank this crowd enough for
that, this would have been a VERY bad year without you folks!
HOWEVER... there is one thing we all do that I'd like to mention, very gently, in this thread...
When you come to Buggytown, and you first drive up and choose your spot... SPREAD OUT!!!
We have many square miles of open space on these lakes, yet it seems that every year, people cluster their vehicles so tightly together that several
things happen:
1. If a bad gust hits camp, gear from others damages vehicles or other folks' gear. Watching an Easy-Up go skyward and land within inches of your
leased vehicle is NOT fun. Newbies: TIE IT DOWN, WELL! Secure anything that weighs less than 10 pounds, anywhere in your camp. It may be a 5 mph
breeze when you leave camp on your buggy, and gusting to 60 mph, 15 minutes later. Nobody wants to chase gear and trash into the brush line. Please
and thank you.
2. Speedy, when practicing to retain his title, enjoys no privacy at all, which seriously impacts his World Record. :singing:
3. Old farts (translation: me, and perhaps Corey and Dan) who snore, fart, stay up late yakking, or whatever have to worry that the folks in the tent
10 feet away are not enjoying our conversation... or, that they are!
4. Cantankerous old farts (that would be John Lehman) spend the whole trip moving their vehicle farther and farther out in the boonies, until we have
to seek helicopter rescue just to find 'em again.
5. It's the desert... the bigger we make our gathering, in area, the farther away from our conversation the little gear-heads with their ATV's will
be. On Elmer's, there are millions of 'em, and the rules won't let you swat 'em like the annoying little pests they are.
6. Jim Spivey's bagpipes. You add the rest.
7. Our Drum Circle... if you don't like tribal drums, you won't want to be real close to me. If you do, park 50 feet away, walk over and join us.
8. If you cook something delicious, or make coffee in the morning, you'll have some old grizzly buggy bastard with a tin cup or plate, sitting way too
close to ignore, casting starved looks at your repast. You really don't want that, now, do you?
9. Finally, just plain old camping courtesy... it's just not nice to pull right up next to someone else's partially set-up camp, limiting their
ability to spread out their stuff, find a good launch and buggy-parking space, place to pee, place to spit toothpaste, whatever. Do you really want
me standing right outside your tent or trailer, gargling and hocking Listerine? :D
Anyway, just food for thought, with an eye to improving the experience with every passing year. And yes, I know that half of you reading this will be
parked within 24 inches of my door... and to you, this: :moon: Oh, and Happy Birthday! |