Power Kite Forum

Blade VIP 8.5m or Blade V 6.5m?

Willem - 12-9-2011 at 03:08 PM

Hi everyone,

I'm going to buy a blade between this and.. well let's say a month but I can't decide which one. It's not a matter of the cost of it but I don't want to buy a kite that is too big or too small for me..
So that's what i would like to get some advice on.
I weigh about 73kg btw :) (that's about 161lb)

Thanks for your responses!

indigo_wolf - 12-9-2011 at 03:14 PM

What other kites have you flown? Typical winds in your area?


Willem - 12-9-2011 at 03:27 PM

I've flown a rage 6.5m,
a beamer 5m,
a sting 3.3m
and a blade II 4.9m

I kite at the belgian coast so typical winds are not so gusty and let's say about 3-4-5 beaufort.

jaymzmn - 12-9-2011 at 04:03 PM

what's the intention? buggy ? kitejumping?

can't say I've flown the VIP but I've flown a Blade4 8.5 and within 20 minutes my arms were pretty much dead.

I'd go with a 6.5 - floatier than 4.9 and faster than 8.5

Willem - 12-9-2011 at 11:27 PM

haha, well i'd definitly use a harness with it so the arms getting tired issue won't matter :)
and I'm going to use it for jumping as well as for landboarding and buggying.

Willem - 13-9-2011 at 07:25 AM

so anyone, some advice?

BeamerBob - 13-9-2011 at 07:29 AM

For your winds, I think you will be happier with the 6.5m. Also, I've found that jumping while harnessed in was never comfortable with me. No problem with a depower, but it just doesn't feel right with a strop. The 6.5 sweet spot will kick in at about 10 mph, and you will have plenty by 18. Just my thoughts.

Willem - 13-9-2011 at 10:44 AM

thanks beamerbob, very helpful comment :)
others still welcome to comment, want as many opinions as possible :)

mougl - 13-9-2011 at 11:05 AM

I agree with BB on this 100% as a proud owner of a VIP, I wouldn't take it out in more than 3bft when gusts are there. it's a nasty kite in gusts. 6.5 is my vote

awindofchange - 13-9-2011 at 11:58 AM

I agree with the above, unless you are in sub 10mph, the 8.5 may be to big. I would go with the 6.5.

dandre - 13-9-2011 at 02:54 PM

haha if you get the vip w/ strop take some pictures of the moon surface for me k? lol:singing:

mougl - 13-9-2011 at 03:55 PM

Originally posted by dandre
haha if you get the vip w/ strop take some pictures of the moon surface for me k? lol:singing:

It's funny because it's true :lol:

Drewculous - 14-9-2011 at 11:31 AM

i like the under 10mph comments... i lol!

My vip likes 15-20 (+gusts) :crazy:
it handles lofts SOOOOO well

the 6.5 is prolly a much better bet, simply because you'll get more use out of it, and that size is WAY better for learning the ropes on a lifty FB kite........ but dont pas up the vip for too long.... it is a SWEET kite, and it'd suck to want one and miss it... but....

It's not a matter of the cost

...get both :dunno: