Originally posted by RMV
Hello Tigger
I suggest that you get there rather early, 5:00 to 6:00 AM as no one will
attend the gate, there is also a barbwire fence all around, not recommended
to jump over.
The only ticket you'll get is call "speed ticket" which when rolled up properly
will make a good smoke.
Also make sure of which number you are registered under, as a sign will be
issued to you, similar to the Police Dept "mug shot", to be displayed
all the time around your neck, with your name, serial number and city you are
coming from. This way, if you go too fast on your buggy, or do not
respect the stop signs, then it will be easy for all of us to identify you.
2 licence plates will also be issued under your name and number, one for
the rear of your buggy, one for the front. You have to produce your own
licence plate holder for the front. They are a pain to manufacture, and one
of the contest, named "Pimp my buggy" will give extra point for the nicest
licence plate holder.
If you do intent to buggy at night, make sure to follow the rules and regulations
about your buggy being properly lit, both front and back.
No stamp on the hand, at list not this year, but the trick is for you when
you leave the Playa, roll your "official T-shirt" in the desert dust, this way
when you show up the next day, all dusty, it will show that you have been
there already, and the officials will not bother you.
As to the "official T-shirt', you'll be lucky IF you get one, personally I got 2
last year, so I know some one, I don't even know who, was refused access
to the Playa..................... oh well.
Stop by Wind Power Sport kite shop for the complete list of rules and regulations,
about 4 pages in all.
See you there. |